Research Policies and Guidelines

Displaying Results: [1 - 10] of 54

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Title Posted Disciplines
Tri-Agencies adopt statement of principles on digital data management

Canada's three federal research granting agencies—the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)—have adopted the ...

8 years 1 month ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Reminder: Certifications required for Tri-Agency awards

The Office of Research Services (ORS) would like to remind researchers of certification requirements for new and ongoing awards. In particular, certification requirements for any research project involving animals, biohazards or human participants.

Upon release of...

7 years 4 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
New U of G Strategic Research Plan for 2017-2022

The University of Guelph’s new Strategic Research Plan (2017 - 2022) has been approved and is now posted on the Office of Research website.  The plan promotes and advances research strengths on which the University has built its reputation for quality and innovation. It reflects the...

6 years 12 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
New Canada Research Chair Advisory Board formed

The University of Guelph has formed a new Canada Research Chair (CRC) Advisory Committee to review college-level recommendations for nominations and renewals.

The Advisory Committee was formed in response to the CRC program's...

6 years 9 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
How the University of Guelph manages its CRC allocation

The Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) is implementing the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan to respond to the recommendation in the program’s 15th-year evaluation that...

6 years 9 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Univeristy of Guelph Field Research Resources

With the field research and conference season approaching, this notice is a reminder of the available University policies and resources:

6 years 2 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Canadian Council on Animal Care seeks feedback

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) Board of Directors approved the CCAC Strategic Plan 2015-2020 in May 2015. Since then, the CCAC has been working toward achieving the five goals identified in that plan....

5 years 8 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
General Purpose Research Accounts: Guideline and Procedures

This Guideline and Procedures document provides detail on the purpose, operation and use of General Purpose Research Accounts (GPRs). 


GPRs are created to promote the research and scholarly activities of University of Guelph...

5 years 4 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
CCAC Publishes New Guidelines on Mice

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) document CCAC guidelines: Mice is now available. Along with ...

4 years 11 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
CCAC Publishes New Guidelines on Zebrafish

University of Guelph researchers and staff members are encouraged to review and comment on Canadian Council on Animal Care draft CCAC guidelines:...

4 years 10 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering