Health and Life Sciences

Displaying Results: [2661 - 2670] of 2698

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Title Posted Category
OSSU IMPACT Awards 2014

The new research funding competition will support patient-oriented research projects that advance the science of implementation research and facilitate knowledge translation and exchange in the areas of prevention, care in the community and at home, and health system sustainability.

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
CCSRI – Prevention Research Grants 2014

The goal of this grant program is to support and accelerate research and the application of new knowledge relevant to cancer prevention. Proposed projects must demonstrate a specific and defined potential for impact on cancer incidence, multidisciplinary collaboration is encouraged.

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
CCSRI – Innovation Grant (1st Competition)

  The purpose of this funding initiative is to support unique, creative research ideas that will impact cancer. Although this grant program is primarily designed to support the biomedical, translational and clinical research communities, applications from all areas and disciplines of cancer...

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
CCSRI – Innovation to Impact Grants 2015

These grants are intended to support the further development of successful findings based on the goals originally explored through a CCSRI Innovation Grant. This limited 2nd phase of funding is available to build upon significant findings from a successful Innovation Grant...

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Competitive Research Grants to Develop Innovative Metrics and Methods for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions

A research grants programme directed at accelerating the development of innovative and interdisciplinary metrics and methods and tools to advance the scientific understanding of the linkages between agriculture and food systems and health and nutrition outcomes...

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development (PAEGC) Second Global Innovation Call

This call is seeking proposals for innovative technologies and business models at the intersection of clean energy and agriculture in developing countries. The PAEGC supports new and sustainable approaches to accelerate the development and deployment of Clean Energy Solutions that increase...

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
CIHR – Planning & Dissemination Grants

Planning and Dissemination Grants are intended to provide support for planning and/or dissemination activities consistent with the mandate of CIHR and relevant to CIHR Institutes, Initiatives, or the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) Community Outreach Fund. CIHR integrates research through a...

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
CIHR – Operating Grant: Industry-Partnered Collaborative Research

The Industry-Partnered Collaborative Research Operating Grant program provides funding for collaborative research projects involving the academic community and Canadian industry partners sharing an interest in health R&D. The research planned should be beneficial to both parties, while...

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
CIHR – Environments, Genes and Chronic Disease

Information regarding the funding opportunity can be found by visiting the sponsor website...

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
AAFC-Growing Forward 2: AgriInnovation Program (*updated rolling deadlines)

*New: Rolling deadlines. Updated January 5, 2015.

AAFC has announced a new deadline under the Industry-led R&D Stream of the AgriInnovation Program for Agri-Science Projects.

The objective of the AgriInnovation program is to accelerate the pace of innovation by...

9 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News