Displaying Results: [1901 - 1910] of 1963

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Watershed Data Survey

As Ontario contemplates changes to water governance and management, we want to explore how researchers and others make use of the various watershed-based datasets that are collected by conservation authorities in Ontario.  

The World Wildlife Fund-Canada has partnered with the Canadian...

4 years 7 months ago Knowledge Mobilization and Commercialization
Webinair du CRSNG sur le Portail de recherche et le CV commun

En préparation pour la présentation des demandes de subvention à la découverte ainsi que les demandes d’outils et d’instruments de recherche, le CRSNG tiendra des webinaires distincts afin de familiariser les participants avec le Portail de recherche et le CV commun (CVC) du CRSNG et de leur...

9 years 3 months ago Workshops and Events
Webinar - CIHR Team Grant: Intersectoral Prevention Research

Featuring: Dr. Nancy Edwards, Scientific Director for the ...

9 years 2 months ago Workshops and Events
Webinar - CIHR - Population Health Intervention Research

Featuring:  Dr. Malcolm King, Scientific Director for the ...

9 years 2 months ago Workshops and Events
Webinar - Connected Vehicle and Autonomous Vehicle (CVAV) Phase 2Helping the province's transportation industry grow and succeed is part of the Ontario government's plan to invest in people, invest in infrastructure and support a dynamic and innovative business climate. The Connected Vehicle/Autonomous Vehicle (CVAV) Program encourages business and academic... 9 years 2 months ago Workshops and Events
Webinar - New Frontier in Research Fund

The New Frontiers in Research Fund, overseen by the Canadian Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC), is comprised of three streams to support groundbreaking research: Exploration...

5 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
Webinar - Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance KTT Funding Program

In preparation for the KTT Funding Program application deadline on January 17, 2019, the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance will be holding a webinar for interested applicants and research managers. This...

5 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
Webinar for Digging Into Data Challenge competition

Following the launch of the 2016 Digging into Data Challenge, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), in collaboration with the...

8 years 2 months ago Workshops and Events
Webinar for NFRF Transformation 2020

The 2020 Transformation Competition of the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) was launched December 5th, 2019. 

This competition has three stages:

  • Notification of Intent to Apply (NOI) stage with an external deadline of February 18th, 2020 (at 8:00 PM...
4 years 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Webinar for NSERC Strategic Partnership Grants for Projects 2018 LOI Competition

NSERC is hosting a webinar for the 2018 competition for Strategic Partnership Grants for Projects. The webinar will highlight the process for Stage 1 – Letter of Intent. Details for connecting to the...

6 years 10 months ago Workshops and Events