Facts and Figures

Student Quality and Performance

An increasing number of secondary school applicants make the University of Guelph their university of choice. Between 1996 and 2006, the number of secondary school applications indicating Guelph as one of their top three choices grew by 35.7 per cent.  On average, in Fall 2006, there were six applications per available seat for undergraduate degree programs.

Guelph --- The Institution of Preference

Demand for Guelph Programs

Why do students choose Guelph?

U of G ranked 1st overall and 2nd in reputation in Canada among comprehensive universities ‑ defined as institutions with significant research activity and a range of programs, including professional degrees ‑ in the 2006 Maclean's magazine survey of Canadian universities.

In the 2006 University Report Card, students cited the quality of education, close interaction with faculty, the friendly, caring community and the beautiful campus as main reasons for attending this learner‑centered institution.

Undergraduate Admissions Quality

Not only is U of G attracting more students, but it's drawing more of the best students. In 2005, U of G attracted more secondary school students with an average of at least 75 per cent than any other comprehensive university in Canada .

Percentage of Secondary School Intake with 75+ Average

Student Success

This transition from secondary school to university is challenging—personally as well as financially—for both students and their families, and demands from the University capable and comprehensive support programs and staff, as well as a commitment to accessibility.

Guelph’s recruitment and student acclimatization programs and publications, including S@GE, START, UPDATE, and Creative Encounters, have been recognized as particularly effective in preparing students for their university experience.

Innovative and demanding academic programs, delivered by enthusiastic and skilled faculty and staff  and, comprehensive and well-designed support services, not only to facilitate and enhance learning, but also to help resolve personal, social, health, or financial concerns that may arise provide an environment facilitating success.

The University of Guelph boasts one of the highest Year 1 to Year 2 retention rates in the nation. As reported in 2006 Maclean’s, Guelph’s retention rate was 91.1% well above the national average of 86.7%.

First-Year Retention Rates

Student Success

Student satisfaction extends beyond graduation. A recent survey found that over 96 per cent of Guelph grads in the labour force find jobs within two years of completing their studies.  And within two years of graduation, U of G graduates on average earn at least 30 per cent more than their secondary school counterparts within the same age group.

Student Success - Percentage Who Graduate

Superior Achievements

Guelph students ranked well ahead of the national average in its share of students holding national scholarly awards.

Student Holding National Scholarly Awards

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