Students talking outside the McLaughlin Library

Co-op Admission

Admission to the University of Guelph’s Co-operative Education program from high school is primarily processed through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) for degree co-op programs or Ontario Colleges (OCAS) for associate diploma co-op programs. When applying through high school, admission to co-op occurs at the same time you’re accepted into your program. 

If you have already begun your studies, it may not be too late for you to apply through our in-course admission process for degree co-op programs. 

In-course admission is available to students in their first year of studies for undergraduate degree co-op programs. For degree programs with a Fall in-course application deadline, students that will have more than 3.0 credits at the time of admission cannot pursue co-op as they are unable to follow the prescribed schedule listed in the Undergraduate Calendar for their program. For degree programs with a Winter in-course application deadline, students that will have more than 6.0 credits at the time of admission cannot pursue co-op as they are unable to follow the prescribed schedule listed in the Undergraduate Calendar for their program.

Click on the appropriate tabs below to see learn more about admission to the University of Guelph’s co-op program:

High School Admission

Admission to the co-op program from high school is based on the following criteria:

  • You are applying to one of the programs offering the co-op option.*

  • You have an 80% or higher average in your university-level high school courses for degree co-op programs.**

  • You have a 60% or higher average in your college-level high school courses for associate diploma co-op programs.**

*Note: All students applying to co-op must declare a major in order to be considered for co-op with the exception of Bachelor of Science (Environmental Sciences) students – students in these programs must declare their major prior to beginning their second year of studies.

**Note: Meeting the minimum averages does not guarantee admission. Admission cut-off rates vary from year to year and may be higher than 80% (for degree programs) or 60% (for associate diploma programs), depending on the number of spaces available in each program. Applications to co-op during first year may be considered for degree programs; please refer to the current University of Guelph admission information. Applicants not accepted to a co-op program will automatically be considered for admission to the comparable regular degree and associate diploma programs. 

In the Undergraduate Calendar and the Associate Diploma Calendar, the degree or associate diploma program followed by :C (a colon and the letter C) denotes co-op; for example, MEF:C is co-op.

  • To apply, you must apply to the University through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) for degree co-op programs or Ontario Colleges (OCAS) for associate dipolma co-op programs. Be sure to mark the section titled “Co-operative Education” as opposed to the regular program.

  • You can direct your questions about co-op admissions to Guelph’s Admissions Office.

  • Remaining full-time in your studies (a minimum of 2.0 credits per semester is required unless an approved accommodation plan has been implemented due to a disability-related reason or an approved accommodation due to medical, psychological, or compassionate reasons)

  • Following the academic schedule as specified in the Undergraduate Calendar and Associate Diploma Calendar 

In-course Admission

In-course admission is only available for undergraduate degree co-op programs. The application process is competitive and is based on grades as well as the amount of available space in the program to which you are applying. Admission to co-op for current University of Guelph students is based on the following criteria:

  • first-year student registered in a program that offers co-op having completed no more than 3.0 credits* if applying for a program with a Fall application deadline or no more than 6.0 credits* if applying for a program with a Winter application deadline at the time of admission.
  • Minimum cumulative average of 70% (meeting the minimum cumulative average requirement does not guarantee your admittance to co-op).
  • Registered full-time each academic semester.
  • Agree to the schedule of studies for co-op as outlined in the Undergraduate Calendar, or as approved by your Program Counsellor and the Experiential Learning Hub.

*Normally, all previously completed courses that count towards the program (core, restricted electives, electives) will be included when determining eligibility.

  • Taking a full-time course load each semester (a minimum of 2.0 credits unless you have an approved accommodation plan due to a disability-related reason or an approved accommodation due to medical, psychological, or compassionate reasons).
  • Following the academic schedule as specified in the Undergraduate Calendar

In the Undergraduate Calendar, the degree program followed by :C (a colon and the letter C) denotes co-op; for example, MEF:C is co-op.

External Transfer Students

Students studying at another institution cannot apply directly for admittance to co-op at the University of Guelph. The student must first be admitted to Guelph and determine how many transfer credits they will receive towards their Guelph degree program. Transfer students can be admitted at any time during the Summer semester and up to the 8th class day of the Fall semester. 

Admission to co-op for external transfer students is based on the following criteria:

  • Acceptance into a program that offers a co-op option.
  • 70% or higher admission average in your previous university or college courses (meeting the minimum cumulative average requirement does not guarantee your admittance to co-op)
  • Students must be able to demonstrate that they will complete the necessary full-time academic requirement and are not beyond their second year of studies at the University of Guelph. Normally students with more than 5.0 transfer credits* will not be considered for admittance.
  • Agree to the schedule of studies for co-op as outlined in the Undergraduate Calendar, or as approved by your Program Counsellor and the Experiential Learning Hub.

*Normally, all previously completed courses that count towards the program (core, restricted electives, electives) will be included when determining eligibility.

  • Consult the External Transfer Students Admission Information and apply to the University of Guelph. Once accepted to the regular program, follow instructions above to determine whether you are eligible for co-op. 
  • Transfer students can be admitted at any time during the Summer semester and up to the 8th class day of the Fall semester. 
  • Admission is dependent upon academic achievement, space in the program and being able to follow the schedule of studies as outlined in the Undergraduate Calendar, or as approved by the academic and Co-operative Education departments. 
  • Students must submit a Co-op Admission Request form and an approved Co-op Academic & Work Sequence Agreement, found here.
  • Students applying during or after their second year may not be admitted to co-op. Please email coopadmin@uoguelph.ca if you have any questions.

  • Successfully completing, "Introduction to Co-operative Education", a mandatory non-credit course

  • Taking a full-time course load each semester (a minimum of 2.0 credits unless you have an approved accommodation plan due to a disability-related reason or an approved accommodation due to medical, psychological, or compassionate reasons).

  • Following the academic schedule as specified in the Undergraduate Calendar / Associate Diploma Calendar or agreed to by the academic and Co-operative Education departments.

  • *Note: In the Undergraduate Calendar, the degree program followed by :C (a colon and the letter C) denotes co-op; for example, MEF:C is co-op.

  • The Co-operative Education department works with the academic program counselling office to determine a student’s status at the University of Guelph. You must follow these important steps:

  • First contact the academic department who will determine how many of your transfer credits will count towards your Guelph degree.

  • Once the academic program counselling office determines your academic level (first year, second year, etc.) you can contact the Co-operative Education department to learn more about co-op. 

  • You may be directed back to the academic department to draft a Co-op Academic & Work Sequence Agreement to ensure that you can follow the full prescribed schedule of studies listed in the Undergraduate Calendar.

  • ** Be prepared to submit an official transcript from your previous university, along with your application for Co-op Admission, to the Co-operative Education department.

International Students

International students who meet the co-op admission requirements for their degree program or associate diploma are welcome to apply to co-operative education at the University of Guelph. Co-op fees are the same for both international and domestic students.

High School Admission

Information regarding admission to co-op for high school international students can be found here: 

In-course Admission

Applications to degree co-op programs for international students are processed the same way as applications for domestic students. Please follow the process for In-course Admission.

International students are defined as not Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents or Landed Immigrants and are paying international fees at the University of Guelph.