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The Office of Quality Assurance (OQA), along with the Associate Vice-President Academic (AVPA), oversees the curriculum development and change processes for the University’s undergraduate degree, associate diploma programs. Changes, additions, or deletions to the existing undergraduate degree or diploma curriculum, or the University of Guelph - Humber curriculum, require the approval of the Board of Undergraduate Studies (BUGS) and Senate. The OQA manages the Calendar Review Committee, a sub-committee of BUGS, which is responsible for reviewing proposals from Program Committees for changes, additions or deletions to curriculum, and presenting these changes to BUGS for approval. 

All proposed changes to the curriculum are submitted to the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system and move through the appropriate governance approvals toward integration in the Academic Calendar and Colleague (Student Information System).

All academic programs are guided by program learning outcomes, which align with the University of Guelph's Undergraduate and Graduate Learning Outcomes. The Office of Teaching and Learning offers resources related to writing and revising learning outcomes, and curriculum mapping.

Curriculum Change Timelines and Deadlines

The deadline for Program Committees to approve changes and submit to the Calendar Review Committee is October 1.  As such, deadlines for submission of changes to Degree/Diploma Program Committees and Curriculum Committees may be set considerably earlier. Be sure to consult the Chair or Secretary of your Program Committee for internal deadlines.

New programs, program name changes, and new co-op programs can be submitted to the Office of Quality Assurance and governance committees at any time of the year. However, in order to meet internal recruitment and admission cycles, changes to take effect in 2025-26 must be approved by the relevant Program Committee by April 1, 2024 and approved through the appropriate governance channels by June 2024. Changes to admission requirements may require additional lead time. Consultation with the Office of Quality Assurance, Office of Registrarial Services and University Secretariat regarding implementation and operational timing is encouraged. 

Fall to Summer

Curriculum and department committees submit proposed additions, deletions, and changes to the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system. 

January to October 1
Curriculum Change proposals submitted to Calendar Review Committee

January to October 
Calendar Review Committee review

February to November 
Board of Undergraduate Studies for approval

February to November 
Senate for information and approval

March 1
Official Posting of the Undergraduate, Associate Diploma and Guelph-Humber Academic Calendars

May 1
Academic Calendars in effect

Undergraduate & Diploma Curriculum Change Information Session