
Themed Newsletters

These specialized publications reflect some of the many activities undertaken by the Alliance to improve the sustainability and prosperity of Ontario's agri-food sector and rural communities. Additional strategically themed newsletters highlighting University of Guelph research are available through the Office of Research.

Cover of 2018/19 Projects booklet

Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance 2019/20 Projects

Research funding for individual projects is awarded through an annual, competitive program. Applications are rigorously reviewed based on scientific merit, innovation, contributing partners, potential benefits and best fit with established priorities in each theme area.

Cover of Elora Dairy themed research newsletter

Elora Research Station - Dairy Facility

The Elora Research Station is one of the largest agricultural research farms in Canada. The Dairy Facility at the Elora Research Station is often called the world's most advanced state-of-the-art dairy research station, drawing visitors from across the globe.

Cover of Ontario's Agricultural Research Station's research newsletter

Ontario's Agricultural Research Stations

Innovation fuels economic development, job creation and trade across the agr-food sector. A world-class network of field stations, managed by the University of Guelph, powers this innovation in the Province of Ontario.


Agri-Food Yearbooks

Every year the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance produces a special edition of the University of Guelph's long-established Research magazine called the Agri-Food Yearbook. In the Agri-Food Yearbook, we showcase the programs and research that make up the Alliance.

This magazine is published through the Office of Research's well-known SPARK program, and is jointly produced by OMAFRA and U of G staff.

If you would like copies of the current or past Agri-Food Yearbook, please contact KTT Admin.

Cover of the 2020-21 Yearbook publication

Hitting Pay Dirt

Investing in innovation for real-world returns during a global pandemic.

Cover of Advancing Research Impact issue of Research magazine

Advancing Research Impact

Research supported by the Alliance solves real-world challenges and yields meaningful inno­vations that ensure the success of the province’s agri-food sector and that promote rural economic development throughout Ontario and the world.

Cover of How Sweet it is issue of Research magazine

How Sweet it is

Celebrating the 2018 renewal of the OMAFRA-U of G Agreement and how innovation is driving agri-food in Ontario.

Cover of Making an Impact issue of Research magazine

Making an Impact

Focusing on how agri-food researchers are making a positive impact on the health of our communities, our environment and our economy.

Cover of Meeting the Challenge issue of Research magazine

Meeting the Challenge

Focusing on how agri-food researchers are helping the agri-food sector meet the premier's challenge of having the sector provide more jobs and exports.

Cover of Leading the Way issue of Research magazine

Leading the Way

Highlighting the creative research partnerships that help foster innovation.

Cover of Harnessing nature's medicine issue of Research magazine

Harnessing Nature's Medicine

This second edition of the OMAFRA-U of G Agreement, Agri-Food yearbook focuses on sustainability from an economic, social and environmental view point.

Cover of Keen on Green issue of Research magazine

Keen on Green

This first Agri-food yearbook highlights the Alliance for research, laboratory and veterinary programs between the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the University of Guelph.

Environmental Sustainability Research Syntheses

A synthesis of the research conducted under the Alliance's Environmental Sustainability research theme between 2008 - 2015. Projects have been separated into topic specific case studies which provide a farm-scale view of how individual research projects work together to address societal issues. 

Cover of nutrient transport synthesis report

Nutrient Transport

The Alliance helps keep nutrients on-farm by supporting research that advances our understanding of the nutrient transport system – from application and retention to transportation and mitigation – and to develop evidence-informed best management practices, tools and technologies. Taken together, these projects create a tool kit for producers to reduce on-farm nutrient loss, enhance productivity and contribute to a healthier environment.

Cover of climate change synthesis report

Climate Change

Finding ways to reduce GHG emissions is vital to long-term food sustainability. Farmers need the best available research to inform opportunities to become resilient to a changing climate and to identify sustainable practices that contribute to GHG emission reductions. The Alliance funds research that provides the evidence to make informed policies, create tools and develop BMPs to support GHG emission reductions and energy conservation.

Cover of biodiversity synthesis report


The Alliance supports research that identifies the environmental impacts of agricultural operations, develops evidence-informed best management practices and informs opportunities with partners to protect Ontario’s biodiversity both on- and off-farm. Together, these projects inform producers to enable decision-making to protect local biodiversity, enhance productivity and contribute to a healthier environment.

Cover of wastewater synthesis report


The Alliance supports research to help producers reduce the volume and concentration of wastewater by developing new tools and technologies to conserve and/or treat wastewater and address an important component of environmental sustainability in Ontario’s agri-food industry and rural communities.

Staying Ahead of the Curve Magazine

In 2013, as part of the OMAFRA-U of G Agreement, the Animal Health Laboratory was awarded funding for a Disease Surveillance Plan (DSP). The Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) was developed as part of the DSP. OAHN is now made up of 10 species network, covering each major livestock species in Ontario, plus companion animals and wildlife. 

Cover of Staying Ahead of the Curve magazine

The Disease Surveillance Plan 2013-2018

Detailing what the Disease Surveillance Plan and Ontario Animal Health Network completed from 2013-2018, including summaries by network, research projects, equipment purchased, tests developed, and much more.