The University of Guelph is looking forward to a vibrant on-campus experience this fall. We are excited to welcome you – or welcome you back – to campus!
As public health and government regulations change, we’ll adapt our plans, always keeping safety as our top priority. Check this page often for the most up-to-date information on plans for fall 2021. Learn more about how U of G is planning for your safe return to campus.
On This Page
Classes and Labs Residence Student Experience Research Vaccinations Safety Working at U of G

Classes and Labs
Closely following public health guidelines and government regulations, we are currently planning for a significant number of courses (about 60 per cent) at all year levels to be offered face-to-face or to include in-person components such as labs or tutorials.
Classes that are taught with some remote components will benefit from technology improvements made in many of our classrooms, allowing students to feel as though they’re truly part of the class no matter where they are. We’ve learned a lot about remote teaching over the past year and we’ll offer our students an experience that reflects the best of it.
Check WebAdvisor starting June 21 for details on how your courses will be delivered and to register for fall. Fall 2021 course selection begins July 6 based on the course selection windows listed on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Classes and Labs
U of G’s residence community is a home away from home for many of our first-year students. University of Guelph Student Housing Services is pleased to offer guaranteed residence to all first-year undergraduate students. COVID-19 vaccinations are required for those living in residence.
This fall, our Residence Life Staff and support services will help ensure the residence experience is safe, supportive and fun!
Check the Student Housing FAQ page for more information.
Planning to live off-campus? We have resources to help you find a place. Learn more on our Off-Campus Living site.
Student Experience
U of G is known for providing one of the best student experiences in the country. This fall, see why we’ve earned that reputation! First-year students can look forward to programming throughout the summer and an exciting and supportive O-Week in the fall. You’ll make new friends, get familiar with campus and learn what it means to be a Gryphon. For those studying remotely, we’ll have online experiences, too. We can’t wait to welcome you!
Students entering second year can join Orientation Week: The Second-Year Experience – programming tailored to Gryphons who have already begun their academic career at U of G but who are new to our campus! We’ll help you find your way around, build connections with other Gryphons and become familiar with University life.
First-year students: Check out for more info.
Second-year students: Check out our Start Here for Second-Year page.
Student Experience
University of Guelph research aims to fulfill our ambition to improve life. It helps us understand the world we live in and our place in the universe. Many of our researchers make discoveries and create innovations that improve and promote the health and well-being of people and society, animals and the environment. That’s why U of G is committed to supporting research activities safely during the pandemic. This autumn is no exception. To see how we’re doing this, and for up-to-date research-related information, visit Research during COVID-19.

Vaccinations are an important step in bringing us safely out of the COVID-19 pandemic. The University of Guelph is mandating that all faculty, staff and students who access buildings on our Guelph and Ridgetown campuses and U of G-managed field stations must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
We all have a role to play in keeping our community and ourselves safe during COVID-19. U of G continues to strictly follow all government and public health guidelines. That includes:
- Completing daily COVID-19 screening if you’re coming to campus
- Wearing a mask when you’re on campus
- Maintaining 2m of physical distance from others
- Enhancing our cleaning of high-touch and high-traffic areas
- Following COVID-19 safety practices
Learn more on the Practices page of our Return to Campuses website.

Working at U of G
U of G is planning for the safe and gradual return of faculty and staff to campus. Learn more about how we’re making those plans a reality on the Planning section of our COVID-19 website.
Working at U of G