This bibliography began in 1988 as an addendum to the first issue of the newsletter The Tachinid Times. Each subsequent issue of the yearly newsletter has carried a bibliographic section covering literature published since the last newsletter, plus post-1979 literature overlooked in past issues of the newsletter.
The bibliography offered here includes about 5100 references. It is not a definitive list of post-1979 literature on the Tachinidae, but care has been taken to make this list as complete as possible. It has been compiled from various sources including the Zoological Record, abstracting publications, journals, and reprints or citations received from authors and colleagues. Nearly all of the references have appeared in The Tachinid Times prior to their appearance in this list.
This bibliography is complete up to issue 37 of The Tachinid Times, which was published on the Internet on 9 April 2024.
Select first letter of author’s surname from the following row:
Anonymous. 1988. Entomology. List of insects and mites. Verslagen en Mededelingen, Plantenziektenkundige Dienst, Wageningen 166: 56–97. [In Dutch.]
Anonymous. 1999. Short reports. Taxa new to Finland, new provincial records and deletions from the fauna of Finland. Entomologica Fennica 10: 1–5.
Aalbu, R.L. 2005. The pimeliine tribe Cryptoglossini: classification, biology and inferred phylogeny (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 55: 677–756.
Aartsma, Y., Hao, Y.-y., Dicke, M., van der Werf, W., Poelman, E.H. & Bianchi, F.J.J.A. 2020. Variation in parasitoid attraction to herbivore-infested plants and alternative host plant cover mediate tritrophic interactions at the landscape scale. Landscape Ecology 35: 907–919.
Abate, T. 1991. Intercropping and weeding: effects on some natural enemies of African bollworm, Heliothis armigera (Hbn.) (Lep., Noctuidae), in bean fields. Journal of Applied Entomology 112: 38–42.
Abbas, M.S.T. 2020. Interactions between Bacillus thuringiensis and entomophagous insects. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 30 (Article 51): 9 pp.
Abbasipour, H. & Tschorsnig, H.-P. 2008. Report of parasitoid flies, Compsilura concinnata and Peribaea tibialis (Dip.: Tachinidae) on the rice armyworm from Iran. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran 27 (2), Supplement: 3–6. [In Persian.]
Abbott, J. 2014. Self-medication in insects: current evidence and future perspectives. Ecological Entomology 39: 273–280.
Abd-Rabou, S. 2014. Parasitoids as a bioagent to eliminate the insecticides to control the main pests-infested economic crops. Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection 47: 2157–2175.
Abdulhai, M., Canhilal, R., El Bouhssini, M., Reid, W. & Rihawi, F. 2007. Survey of sunn pest adult parasitoids in Syria. Pp. 315–318. In: Parker, B.L., Skinner, M., El Bouhssini, M. & Kumari, S.G., eds., Sunn pest management: a decade of progress 1994–2004. The Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut, Lebanon. 432 pp.
Abdul-Rassoul, M.S., Dawah, H.A., Othman, N.Y. & Al-Gailany, H.B. 1988. Records of insect collection, Part II, in Iraq Natural History Museum. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum 8: 1–10. [Paper not seen; language?]
Abraham, R., Krogmann, L. & Peters, R. 2005. Oekologische und systematische Untersuchungen an Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Faunistisch-Ökologische Mitteilungen 8: 353–361.
Abraham, R. & Peters, R.S. 2008. Nistkaesten als Lebensraum für Insekten, besonders Fliegen und ihre Schlupfwespen. Vogelwarte 46: 195–205.
Abram, P.K., Labbe, R.M. & Mason, P.G. 2021. Ranking the host range of biological control agents with quantitative metrics of taxonomic specificity. Biological Control 152 (Article 104427): 14 pp.
Abram, P.K., Mills, N.J. & Beers, E.H. 2020. Review: classical biological control of invasive stink bugs with egg parasitoids – what does success look like? Pest Management Science 76: 1980–1992.
Abrego, L.J.C. & Murgas, A.S. 2019. Ocurrencia de multiparasitismo sobre la larva de Halysidota tessellaris (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) en Panamá. Tecnociencia 21 (2): 5–11.
Açikgöz, M. & Gözüaçık, C. 2022. Determination of adult parasitoids (Diptera: Tachinidae) of sunn pest Eurygaster spp. (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) and their parasitism rates in cereal cultivation areas in Iğdır and neighboring provinces. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi 25: 137–142. [In Turkish with English abstract.]
Acosta, S. & Rodriguez, J. 1987. Toxic effect of certain herbicides on Lixophaga diatraeae Towns (Diptera: Tachinidae). Revista INICA, No. 3: 22–28. [In Spanish.]
Adamo, S.A. 1998. The specificity of behavioral fever in the cricket Acheta domesticus. Journal of Parasitology 84: 529–533.
Adamo, S.A. 1999. Evidence for adaptive changes in egg laying in crickets exposed to bacteria and parasites. Animal Behaviour 57: 117–124.
Adamo, S.A., Robert, D. & Hoy, R.R. 1995. Effects of a tachinid parasitoid, Ormia ochracea, on the behaviour and reproduction of its male and female field cricket hosts (Gryllus spp.). Journal of Insect Physiology 41: 269–277.
Adamo, S.A., Robert, D., Perez, J. & Hoy, R.R. 1995. The response of an insect parasitoid, Ormia ochracea (Tachinidae), to the uncertainty of larval success during infestation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36: 111–118.
Adaschkiewitz, W. & Goetz, P. 1984. On the development of tachinids (Diptera: Tachinidae) in insect hosts. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene (Series A) 258: 409.
Ademokoya, B., Athey, K. & Ruberson, J. 2022. Natural enemies and biological control of stink bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in North America. Insects 13 (10) (Article 932): 27 pp.
Adeniyi, D.O. & Asogwa, E.U. 2023. Complexes and diversity of pathogens and insect pests of cocoa tree. Pp. 285–311. In: Asiegbu, F.O. & Kovalchuk, A., eds., Forest microbiology. Tree diseases and pests. Volume 3. Academic Press. xvii + 449 pp.
Adler, P.H. 2018. Roger Ward Crosskey—The life and contributions of an entomologist par excellence (1930–2017). Zootaxa 4455: 35–67.
Aeschlimann, J.P. 1990. The distribution and importance of Microsoma exigua Mg. (Dipt., Tachinidae), a parasitoid of adult Sitona spp. (Col., Curculionidae) in the Mediterranean Region. Journal of Applied Entomology 109: 151–155.
Agas’eva, I.S., Nefedova, M.V., Fedorenko, E.V., Mkrtchyan, A.O., Nastasii, A.S. & Ismailov, V.Y. 2019. Compatibility of entomophages with biological and biorational pesticides. Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya 54: 101–109. [In Russian (print and online). Also published simultaneously in Agricultural Biology 54, the English version of the Russian journal, online only and unpaginated.]
Agasyeva, I., Nefedova, M., Ismailov, V. & Nastasy, A. 2023. Entomophages of the Colorado potato beetle, population dynamics of Perillus bioculatus Fabr. and its compatibility with biological and chemical insecticides. Agronomy 13 (Article 1496): 13 pp.
Agbessenou, A., Tounou, A.K., Dannon, E.A., Datinon, B., Agboton, C., Ramasamy, S., Pittendrigh, B.R. & Tamò, M. 2018. The parasitic fly Nemorilla maculosa exploits host‐plant volatiles to locate the legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 166: 673–682.
Agbessenou, A., Tounou, A.K., Dannon, E.A., Datinon, B., Agboton, C., Srinivasan, R., Pittendrigh, B.R. & Tamò, M. 2018. Influence of rearing substrates and nontarget hosts on the bionomics of the tachinid parasitoid Nemorilla maculosa (Diptera: Tachinidae). Environmental Entomology 47: 356–363.
Agboyi, L.K., Goergen, G., Beseh, P., Mensah, S.A., Clottey, V.A., Glikpo, R., Buddie, A., Cafà, G., Offord, L., Day, R., Rwomushana, I. & Kenis, M. 2020. Parasitoid complex of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, in Ghana and Benin. Insects 11 (2) (Article 68): 15 pp.
Aggasipour, H. 2002. The role of parasitoids on natural control of some dominant species of grass-feeding Noctuidae in north east of England. Applied Entomology and Phytopathology 69: 85–96 [summary on pp. 23–24]. [In Persian.]
Agius, J. 2018. Pest species Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) new to the Maltese Islands (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología 46 (184): 1–3.
Agostinetto, A., Panizzi, A.R. & Lucini, T. 2018. Monthly parasitism rate by tachinid flies and egg allocation on the body of Dichelops furcatus. Florida Entomologist 101: 91–96.
Aguilar, J. d’. 2007. J.W. Meigen, le père de la diptérologie. Insectes 144 (1): 21–22.
Agustí, N., Bourguet, D., Spataro, T., Delos, M., Eychenne, N., Folcher, L. & Arditi, R. 2005. Detection, identification and geographical distribution of European corn borer larval parasitoids using molecular markers. Molecular Ecology 14: 3267–3274.
Ahissou, BR., Sawadogo, W.M., Bonzi, S., Baimey, H., Somda, I., Bokonon-Ganta, A.H. & Verheggen, F.J. 2021. Natural enemies of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Burkina Faso. Tropicultura 39 (3): 21 pp.
Ahissou, B.R., Sawadogo, W.M., Bokonon-Ganta, A.H., Somda, I. & Verheggen, F. 2021. Integrated pest management options for the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda in West Africa: challenges and opportunities. A review. Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment 25: 192–207.
Ahmad, E.M., Ramadan, A.M., Aslan, L.H. & Al-Khateeb, N.I. 2021. First record of the parasitoid Exorista larvarum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera: Tachinidae) on the larvae of Thaumetopoea processionea (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) in Syria. Arab and Near East Plant Protection Newsletter 84: 8.
Ahmad, E.M., Ramadan, A.M., Asslan, L.H. & Al-Khateeb, N.I. 2021. First record of the parasitoid Buquetia musca (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1847) on Papilio machaon (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae along the Syrian coast. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 39: 224–227. [In Arabic with English abstract.]
Ahmad, E.M., Ramadan, A.M., Hafez Aslan, L.H. & Al-Khateeb, N. 2021. First record of parasitoid Phryxe caudate [sic] (Rondani, 1859) (Diptera: Tachinidae) in Syria. Arab and Near East Plant Protection Newsletter 83: 9.
Ahmad, E.M., Ramadan, A.M., Hafez Aslan, L.H. & Al-Khateeb, N. 2021. First record of the parasitoid Phryxe vulgaris (Fallén, 1810) (Diptera: Tachinidae) in Syria. Arab and Near East Plant Protection Newsletter 83: 9.
Ahmad, M. & Khan, D.N. 2009. Family Tachinidae. Pp. 385–386. In: Ahmad, M., Kabir, S.M.H., Ahmed, A.T.A., Rahman, A.K.A., Ahmed, Z.U., Begum, Z.N.T., Hassan, M.A. & Khondker, M., eds., Encyclopedia of flora and fauna of Bangladesh. Volume 21. Arthropoda: Insecta III. Pterygota (part). Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. 460 pp.
Ahmed, A.E., Ayman, M.E. & El-Gepaly, H.M.K.H. 2021. Native larval parasitoids of fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), the recent invasive pest on maize in Egypt and its some biological aspects. Egyptian Journal of Plant Protection Research Institute 4: 84–96.
Ahmed, K.N., Mohantal, L.C., Al-Helal, M.A. & Ghose, S.C. 2014. Biology of Sturmia convergens (Dipteara: Tachinidae) parasitizing monarch butterfly, Danaus chrysippus damaging Akanda (Calotropis gigantean) in Bangladesh. The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences 6 (1): 37–39.
Ahmed, S.I., Kumar, S. & Paunikar, S.D. 2000. Biological control of Streblote siva through NPV and natural enemy complex of insect pests of Prosopis cineraria in Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Forestry 23: 305–311.
Ai, H.-m. & Zhao, S.-x. 1999. Niches of tea caterpillar (Euproctis pseudoconspersa) and its natural enemies. Journal of Fujian Agricultural University 28: 325–329. [In Chinese.]
Ajanta, B., Poonam, C., Shukla, U.K. & Gupta, G.P. 2008. Mass rearing of greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.) on artificial diet. Indian Journal of Entomology 70: 389–392.
Ajayi, O. 1990. Possibilities for integrated control of the millet stem borer, Acigona ignefusalis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Nigeria. Insect Science and its Application 11: 109–117.
Ajayi, O., Tabo, R. & Ali, D. 1996. Incidence of stem borers on postrainy-season transplanted sorghum in Cameroon, Nigeria, and Chad in 1995/96. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 37: 58–59.
Akamine, M. 2014. Collecting records of Mimela flavilabris (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) possibly oviposited by tachinid flies. Saikaku Tsushin 29: 53–54. [In Japanese.]
Akcakaya, M., Muravchik, C. & Nehorai, A. 2015. Biologically inspired antenna array design using Ormia modeling. Pp. 335–364. In: Ngo, T.D., ed., Biomimetic Technologies: Principles and Applications. Woodhead Publishing. 394 pp.
Akcakaya, M. & Nehorai, A. 2008. Performance analysis of the Ormia ochracea’s coupled ears. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124: 2100–2105.
Akıncı, Z.E. & Avcı, M. 2016. Biology and natural enemies of Neodiprion sertifer in the Lakes District forests. Turkish Journal of Forestry 17: 30–36. [In Turkish with English abstract.]
Aksenenko, E. & Gaponov, S. 2012. New record of Ectophasia crassipennis (F.) as a parasitoid of Rhynocoris annulatus (L.) in Russia. The Tachinid Times 25: 15.
Aksenenko, E.V. & Gaponov, S.P. 2011. [Ecology and host-parasite relations of the flies of the genus Gymnosoma Mg. (Diptera, Tachinidae) in the city of Voronezh and its suburbs.] Regional Environmental Issues 2011 (5): 78–80. [In Russian.]
Aksenenko, E.V. & Gaponov, S.P. 2011. [Study of Gymnosoma nudifrons Hert. parasitizing the larvae of Palomena prasina L.] Proceedings of Voronezh State University, Series: Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy 2011 (2): 75–77. [In Russian.]
Aksenenko, E.V. & Gaponov, S.P. 2012. Ecological and faunistic analysis of the flies of genus Cylindromyia Mg. (Diptera, Tachinidae) in Voronezh Region. Vestnik Tver State University, Series: Biology and Ecology 27 (23): 61–66. [In Russian.]
Aksenenko, E.V. & Gaponov, S.P. 2012. [New data of the flies of the genus Cylindromyia Mg. (Diptera, Tachinidae, Phasiinae) in areas under conditions of pyrogenic succession.] Regional Environmental Issues 2012 (2): 123–125. [In Russian.]
Aksenenko, E.V. & Gaponov, S.P. 2012. [The study of the fauna and ecology of phasiines (Diptera, Tachinidae, Phasiinae) of the Voronezh Region.] Proceedings of P.G. Smidovich Mordovia State Nature Reserve 10: 328–332. [In Russian.]
Aksenenko, E.V., Gaponov, S.P., Khitsova, L.N. & Kondratyeva, A.M. 2012. The predatory true bug Prostemma aeneicolle St. (Heteroptera, Nabidae) as a new host of the tachinid fly Phasia pusilla Meig. (Diptera, Tachinidae, Phasiinae). Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological Series 117 (5): 69–71. [In Russian.]
Aksenenko, E.V., Kondratyeva, A.M. & Musolin, D.L. 2021. The first record of Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda, 1761) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) for Voronezh Region and notes about the host-parasitic relationships with Cylindromyia bicolor (Olivier, 1812) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Russian Entomological Journal 30: 143–145.
Aksenenko, E.V. & Kondratyeva, M.A. 2021. Ultrastructure of antennal sensilla of Cistogaster globosa (Fabricius, 1775) and Cylindromyia interrupta (Meigen, 1824) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Samara Journal of Science 10: 14–19. [In Russian with English abstract.]
Aksu, Y. 2010. Studies on Neodiprion sertifer (Geoff) (Hymenoptera; Diprionidae), an important pest of Pinus sylvestris plantations. Orman Muhendisligi 47: 26–34. [In Turkish.]
Akutse, K.S., Fiaboe, K.K.M., Van den Berg, J., Ekesi, S. & Maniania, N.K. 2014. Effects of endophyte colonization of Vicia faba (Fabaceae) plants on the life-history of leafminer parasitoids Phaedrotoma scabriventris (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Diglyphus isaea (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). PLoS ONE 9 (10): e109965.
Al Dhafer, H.M., Aldryhim, Y.N., Elgharbawy, A.A. & Fadl, H.H. 2012. Insects associated with milkweed Calotropis procera (Ait.) Ait. in the Ibex Reserve in the Central Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Entomological News 122 [2011]: 233–246.
Alalouni, U., Lobinger, G., Schädler, M. & Brandl, R. 2014. Natural enemies of the gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) at low population density. Entomologia Generalis 35: 117–127.
Alam, M.M. 1992. Biological control of insect pests of crucifers in selected West Indian islands. Florida Entomologist 75: 493–505.
Aland, S.R. & Bijapure, T.M. 2015. Incidence of a parasitoid, Blepharipa zebina on the larva of a moth, Archips rosana, in Solapur, Maharashtra. Bionotes 17: 45.
Albertoni, F.F., Krell, F.-T., Steiner, J. & Zillikens, A. 2014. Life history and description of larva and pupa of Platyphileurus felscheanus Ohaus, 1910, a scarabaeid feeding on bromeliad tissues in Brazil, to be excluded from Phileurini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae). ZooKeys 389: 49–76.
Alcock, J. 2010. The hilltopping mating system of the duskywing skipper Erynnis tristis (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 43: 1–5.
Alcock, J. & Kemp, D.J. 2006. The hilltopping mating system of Leschenaultia adusta (Loew) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 19: 645–656.
Alcock, J. & Smith, A.P. 1995. Landmark-defense and scramble competition mating systems in two Australian tachinid flies (Diptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 68: 85–94.
Alderete, M. del C., Fidalgo, P. & Ovruski, S. 2002. Perpectivas en el control biologico de Nematus oligospilus Foerster (= N. desantisi Smith) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), plaga de sauces en la Argentina y Chile. Acta Entomológica Chilena 26: 7–16.
Al-Dobai, S., Reitz, S. & Sivinski, J. 2012. Tachinidae (Diptera) associated with flowering plants: estimating floral attractiveness. Biological Control 61: 230–239.
Al-Doghairi, M.A. & Cranshaw, W.S. 1999. Surveys on visitation of flowering landscape plants by common biological control agents in Colorado. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 72: 190–196.
Al-Doghairi, M.A. & Cranshaw, W.S. 2004. The effect of interplanting of necteriferous plants on the population density and parasitism of cabbage pests. Southwestern Entomologist 29: 61–68.
Aldrich, J.R. 1995. Testing the “new associations” biological control concept with a tachinid parasitoid (Euclytia flava). Journal of Chemical Ecology 21: 1031–1042.
Aldrich, J.R. & Cantelo, W.W. 1999. Suppression of Colorado potato beetle infestation by pheromone-mediated augmentation of the predatory spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Agricultural and Forest Entomology 1: 209–217.
Aldrich, J.R., Hoffmann, M.P., Kochansky, J.P., Lusby, W.R., Eger, J.E. & Payne, J.A. 1991. Identification and attractiveness of a major pheromone component for Nearctic Euschistus spp. stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Environmental Entomology 20: 477–483.
Aldrich, J.R., Khrimian, A. & Camp, M.J. 2007. Methyl 2,4,6-decatrienoates attract stink bugs and tachinid parasitoids. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 801–815.
Aldrich, J.R., Khrimian, A., Chen, X. & Camp, M.J. 2009. Semiochemically based monitoring of the invasion of the brown marmorated stink bug and unexpected attraction of the native green stink bug (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Maryland. Florida Entomologist 92: 483–491.
Aldrich, J.R., Khrimian, A., Zhang, A. & Shearer, P.W. 2006. Bug pheromones (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) and tachinid fly host-finding. Denisia 19: 1015–1031.
Aldrich, J.R., Kockansky, J.P. & Abrams, C.B. 1984. Attractant for a beneficial insect and its parasitoids: pheromone of the predatory spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Environmental Entomology 13: 1031–1036.
Aldrich, J.R., Leal, W.S., Nishida, R., Khrimian, A.P., Lee, C.J. & Sakuratani, Y. 1997. Semiochemistry of aposematic seed bugs. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 84: 127–135.
Aldrich, J.R., Lusby, W.R., Marron, B.E., Nicolaou, K.C., Hoffmann, M.P. & Wilson, L.T. 1989. Pheromone blends of green stink bugs and possible parasitoid selection. Naturwissenschaften 76: 173–175.
Aldrich, J.R., Oliver, J.E., Lusby, W.R., Kochansky, J.P. & Lockwood, J.A. 1987. Pheromone strains of the cosmopolitan pest, Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology 244: 171–175.
Aldrich, J.R., Oliver, J.E., Taghizadeh, T., Ferreira, J.T.B. & Liewehr, D. 1999. Pheromones and colonization: reassessment of the milkweed bug migration model (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae: Lygaeinae). Chemoecology 9: 63–71.
Aldrich, J.R., Rosi, M.C. & Bin, F. 1995. Behavioral correlates for minor volatile compounds from stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 21: 1907–1920.
Aldrich, J.R., Zanuncio, J.C., Vilela, E.F., Torres, J.B. & Cave, R.D. 1997. Field tests of predaceous pentatomid pheromones and semiochemistry of Podisus and Supputius species (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae). Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 26: 1–14.
Aldrich, J.R. & Zhang, A. 2002. Kairomone strains of Euclytia flava (Townsend), a parasitoid of stink bugs. Journal of Chemical Ecology 28: 1565–1582.
Alemán, J., Delgado, M.L., Plana, L., Llanes, G., Fernandez, M., Burgos, T. & Garcia, G.A. 1999. Parasitic behavior of Lixophaga diatraeae Towns. (Diptera: Tachinidae) on Diatraea saccharalis Fab. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in insectary. Revista de Protección Vegetal 14: 133–135.
Alemán, J. & Fernandez, M. 2000. Estimacion de la tasa intrinseca de incremento (rm) y tasa neta de multiplicacion (Ro) como nuevos criterios de calidad en la cria de Galleria mellonella Linneo (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Revista de Protección Vegetal 15: 165–168.
Alemán, J., Goicoechea, J., Mestre, N. & Pupo, H. 1992. Evaluation of Spodoptera frugiperda as substitution host for the mass rearing of Lixophaga diatraeae in Cuba. Revista de Protección Vegetal 7: 115–118. [In Spanish.]
Alemán, J. & Montero, C. 1995. Estimacion volumetrica del rendimento pupal en la produccion de Lixophaga diatraeae (Townsend). Revista de Protección Vegetal 10: 153–158.
Alemán, J., Munoz, L., Plana, L., Llanes, G., Fernandez, M., Vidal, M. & Garcia, G.A. 1999. Effect of artificial recycled diet on some indicators of quality in the Galleria mellonella Linneo (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Lixophaga diatraeae Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae) rearing. Revista de Protección Vegetal 14: 161–166.
Alemán, J., Plana, L., Vidal, M., Llanes, G. & Delgado, M. 1998. Quality control criteria of mass reared Lixophaga diatraeae. Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Berlin-Dahlem 356: 97–104. [In Spanish.]
Alemán, J. & Pupo, H. 1995. Criterios para el control de la calidad en la parasitacion de Lixophaga diatraeae. II. Rendimiento de las inoculaciones. Revista de Protección Vegetal 10: 143–151.
Alemán, J. & Pupo, H. 1995. Evaluación del rendimiento pupal en la cría de Lixophaga diatraeae por volumetria en dos centros reproductores de la Habana. Revista de Protección Vegetal 10: 247–252.
Alemán, J. & Pupo, H. 1995. Prueba de Mocis latipes como hospedante de sustitucion para Lixophaga diatraeae. Revista de Protección Vegetal 10: 185–188.
Alemán, J., Richards, M.L., Plana, L., Llanez, G., Fernandez, M. & Vidal, M. 2001. Comportamiento de indicadores de calidad en poblaciones salvajes y de laboratorio de Lixophaga diatraeae Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae). Revista de Protección Vegetal 16: 15–19.
Alemán, J., Ruíz, M.E. & Vidal, M. 2003. Peso del hospedante de sustitución Galleria mellonella Linneo (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) como criterio de calidad en la cría de Lixophaga diatraeae Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae). Revista de Protección Vegetal 18: 108–111.
Alexander, B.A., Minckley, R.L. & Yanega, D. 1993. Nesting biology of Glenostica pictifrons (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Bembicini). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 66: 108–120.
Alexander, K.N.A. 2002. Tachina grossa (Linnaeus) (Tachinidae) expanding in Gloucestershire. Dipterists Digest (2nd Series) 9: 16.
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Cerretti, P., Di Giulio, A. & Scalici, M. 2006. Comparative morphology of “Sturmia-spots” in male tachinids – first results (Diptera: Tachinidae). Pp. 38–39. In: Suwa, M., ed., Abstracts Volume, 6th International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka. 355 pp.
Cerretti, P. & Dindo, M.L. 2010. I tachinidi nella conservazione della natura e nella lotta biologica. Pp. 59–60. In: I tachinidi della fauna italiana (Diptera Tachinidae) con chiave interattiva dei generi ovest-paleartici. Volume I. Centro Nazionale Biodiversità Forestale, Verona. 573 pp. + CD ROM.
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Cerretti, P. & Freidberg, A. 2009. Updated checklist of the Tachinidae of Israel. The Tachinid Times 22: 9–16.
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Cerretti, P., Lo Giudice, G. & O’Hara, J.E. 2014. A new Loewia Egger (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Turkey, with taxonomic and nomenclatural remarks on congeners. Zootaxa 3754: 450–460.
Cerretti, P. & Mei, M. 2001. Eugymnopeza braueri (Diptera, Tachinidae) as parasitoid of Blaps gibba (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae), with description of the preimaginal instars. Italian Journal of Zoology 68: 215–222.
Cerretti, P., Morgulis, E., Michelsen, V. & Pape, T. 2023. Nominal genera and species of Diptera misidentified as to family by A.Z. Lehrer (Diptera: Muscidae, Tachinidae). Zootaxa 5278: 189–194.
Cerretti, P., O’Hara, J.E., Stireman, J.O. III, Inclán, D.J., Shima, H., Wood, D.M., Moulton, J.K. & Winkler, I.S. 2014. A morphological phylogeny of Tachinidae. P. 59. In: Dorchin, N., Kotrba, M., Mengual, X. & Menzel, F., eds., Abstract volume, 8th International Congress of Dipterology, Postdam. xxvii + 440 pp.
Cerretti, P., O’Hara, J.E., Stireman, J.O. III, Winkler, I.S. & Kirk-Spriggs, A.H. 2013. To ‘Die Hel’ and back. Expeditions of the Phylogeny of World Tachinidae Project. Part I: Western Cape, South Africa. The Tachinid Times 26: 20–29.
Cerretti, P., O’Hara, J.E., Winkler, I.S., Lo Giudice, G. & Stireman, J.O. III. 2015. Two tribes hidden in one genus: the case of Agaedioxenis Villeneuve (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae). Organisms Diversity & Evolution 15: 489–512.
Cerretti, P., O’Hara, J.E., Wood, D.M., Shima, H., Inclán, D.J. & Stireman, J.O. III. 2014. Signal through the noise? Phylogeny of the Tachinidae (Diptera) as inferred from morphological evidence. Systematic Entomology 39: 335–353.
Cerretti, P., O’Hara, J.E., Wood, D.M. & Stireman, J.O. III. 2010. Over 200 genera and counting – megadiverse fauna of Afrotropical Tachinidae. P. 47. In: Zumbado, M.A., ed., Abstracts volume, 7th International Congress of Dipterology, San José. 296 pp. [Electronic publication.]
Cerretti, P. & Shima, H. 2011. World revision of Dolichocolon Brauer & Bergenstamm (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae: Goniini). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 162: 544–584.
Cerretti, P., Stireman, J.O. III, Badano, D., Gisondi, S., Rognes, K., Lo Giudice, G. & Pape, T. 2019. Reclustering the cluster flies (Diptera: Oestroidea, Polleniidae). Systematic Entomology 44: 957–972.
Cerretti, P., Stireman, J.O. III, Pape, T., O’Hara, J.E., Marinho, M.A.T., Rognes, K. & Grimaldi, D.A. 2017. First fossil of an oestroid fly (Diptera: Calyptratae: Oestroidea) and the dating of oestroid divergences. PLoS ONE 12 (8): e0182101.
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Cerretti, P. & Tschorsnig, H.-P. 2003. Tachinidae. Pp. 187–205. In: Cerretti, P., Tagliapietra, A., Tisato, M., Vanin, S., Mason, F. & Zapparoli, M., eds., Artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’Appennino Settentrionale. Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati, 2. Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova. 256 pp.
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Chao, C.-m. 1984. Tachinid flies in China and prospects for their utilization in biological control. Pp. 324–332. In: Adkisson, P.L. & Ma, S., eds., Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Sciences – United States National Academy of Sciences Joint Symposium on Biological Control of Insects, September 25–28, 1982, Beijing, China. Science Press, Beijing.
Chao, C.-m. 1985. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 5–6. In: Zhao, X.-f., Hua, L.-z., Chao, C.-m. & Li, Y.-q., eds., Report on the survey of insects from Jianfengling tropical forest of Hainan Island, Guangdong Province, a Natural Protective Area (IV) (natural enemy insects). Insects of Jiangfengling 2 (3): 1–15. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m. 1985. Tachinidae. Pp. 124–131. In: Huang, F.-s., Han, Y.-h., Zhang, X.-z., The insect fauna of the Mt. Tuomuer area in Tianshan. Pp. 53–165. In: The Mountain Climbing Scientific Expedition Team of Chinese Academy of Sciences, ed., [Biota of Tuomuer Region, Tianshan]. Xinjiang’s People’s Press, Urumqi. 353 pp. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m. 1993. The development and utilization of tachinid flies. Forest Pest and Disease 12: 34–37. [In Chinese.]
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Chao, C.-m. & Chen, X.-l. 2007. A taxonomic study on the genus Phebellia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) from China. Acta Entomologica Sinica 50: 933–940. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Jin, Z.-c. 1984. Two new species of Chinese tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 9: 284–287. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Liang, E.-y. 1982. Notes on new species of Chinese Erycilla Mesnil (Diptera: Tachinidae). Zoological Research 3: 77–81. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Liang, E.-y. 1984. [Parasitic flies (Tachinidae and Sarcophagidae) of Chinese main pests.] iii + 212 pp. + 5 pls. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m. & Liang, E.-y. 1986. A study of the Chinese Carcelia R.-D. (Diptera: Tachinidae). Sinozoologia 4: 115–148. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Liang, E.-y. 1992. Tachinidae. Pp. 719–810. In: Fan, Z.-d., ed., Key to the common flies of China. 2nd Edition. Science Press, Beijing. xlviii + 1032 pp. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m. & Liang, E.-y. 2002. Review of the Chinese Carcelia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 27: 807–848. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Liang, E.-y. 2003. A study on the Chinese genus Smidtia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Tachinidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 28: 152–158. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m., Liang, E.-y., Shi, Y.-s. & Zhou, S.-x. 2001. Fauna Sinica. Insecta. Vol. 23. Diptera. Tachinidae (1). Science Press, Beijing. ix + 296 pp. + 11 pls. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m., Liang, E.-y. & Zhou, S.-x. 2002. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 814–834. In: Huang, F.-s., ed., Forest insects of Hainan. Science Press, Beijing. xi + 1064 pp. + 31 pls. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m., Liang, E.-y. & Zhou, S.-x. 2004. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 563–575. In: Yang, X.-k., ed., Insects from Mt. Shiwandashan area of Guangxi. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing. 668 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m., Liang, E.-y. & Zhou, S.-x. 2005. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 850–872. In: Yang, X.-k., ed., Insect fauna of middle-west Qinling Range and south mountains of Gansu Province. Science Press, Beijing. ix + 1055 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m., Liang, E.-y. & Zhou, S.-x. 2009. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 555–818, 820. In: Yang, D., ed., Fauna of Hebei. Diptera. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, Beijing. 11 + 863 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1980. Descriptions of the genus Blepharipa Rondani of China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Pp. 1–6. In: Liaoning Institute of Sericulture, ed., Collected works of Blepharipa Rondani. Science Press, Beijing. 139 pp. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1980. Notes on Chinese Tachinidae: genus Linnaemya R.-D. (II). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 5: 264–272. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1980. Notes on new species of Hyalurgus Brauer & Berganstamm (Diptera: Tachinidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 23: 314–321. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1981. Notes on new genus Flavicorniculum Chao et Shi of Tachinidae from China. Acta Entomologica Sinica 24: 203–208. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1981. On the Chinese Eurythia with descriptions of seven new species (Diptera: Tachinidae). Sinozoologia 1: 75–82. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1981. A preliminary report on investigations and identification of Larvaevoridae in rice fields in south China. Natural Enemies of Insects 3: 50–51. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1982. Diptera: Tachinidae – Tachininae. Pp. 235–281. In: The Scientific Expedition Team of Chinese Academy of Sciences to the Qinghai– Xizang Plateau, ed., Insects of Xizang. Volume 2. Science Press, Beijing. 508 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1982. A new species of Metoposisyrops Townsend from China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Sinozoologia 2: 71–73. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1985. Notes on the genus Thelaira Robineau-Desvoidy from China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Sinozoologia 3: 169–174. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1985. Study on the subtribe Nemoraeina from China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Sinozoologia 3: 163–167. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1986. Tachinidae (Larvaevoridae). Pp. 131–163. In: He, J.-h. & Pang, X.-f., eds., [Pictorial handbook of rice pests and their natural enemies.] Shanghai Science and Technology Press, Shanghai. 2 + 291 pp. [In Chinese.]
Note: Authorship of the Tachinidae section was inferred from the author list at the beginning of the book.
Chao, C.-m. & Shi, Y.-s. 1987. Two new species of genus Chetogena (Rondani) from China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Sinozoologia 5: 203–206. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Sun, X.-k. 1994. Chapter 12. Studies and evaluations on tachinid flies, an important group of the insect natural enemies from Wuling Mountains Area. Pp. 262–270. In: Song, D., ed., Evaluation on Animal Resources from Wuling Mountains Area, Southwestern China. Science Press, Beijing.
Chao, C.-m., Sun, X.-k. & Zhou, S.-x. 1990. Studies on the tribe Parerigonini from China (Diptera: Phasiinae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 15: 230–241. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Wang, X. 1985. Studies on mass rearing of the tachinid fly Lydella grisescens on its natural host, corn borer. Acta Ecologica Sinica 5: 357–363 + 1 pl. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m. & Yang, L.-l. 1990. Notes on a new genus and species of Tachinidae from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 15: 77–82. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Yuan, S.-y. 1996. A new species of the genus Linnaemya from Gansu, China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 21: 229–231.
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1987. Diptera: Tachinidae. Agricultural Insects, Spiders, Plant Diseases and Weeds of Xizang 2: 205–223. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1987. New species of tachinid flies from Hengduan Mountains of China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Sinozoologia 5: 207–215. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1987. Notes on Chinese Tachinidae: genus Servillia R.D. (II). Entomotaxonomia 9: 1–15. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1988. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 513–523. In: The Mountaineering and Scientific Expedition, Academia Sinica (including Huang, F.-s. et al.), ed., Insects of Mt. Namjagbarwa Region of Xizang. Science Press, Beijing. xii + 621 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1989. Studies on the genus Chrysocosmius Beggi from China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 14: 66–72. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Note: “Beggi” in title is an error for “Bezzi”.
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1993. Diptera Tachinidae. Pp. 1271–1347. In: Chen, S., ed., Insects of the Hengduan Mountains Region. Vol. 2. The Series of the Scientific Expedition to the Hengduan Mountains Region of Qinghai – Xizang Plateau. Science Press, Beijing. (1992), xvi + pp. 867–1547. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1996. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 217–224. In: Wu, S.-g. & Feng, Z.-j., eds., The biology and human physiology in the Hoh Xil Region. The Series of the Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Hoh Xil Region. Science Press, Beijing. 357 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1996. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 252–266. In: Huang, F.-s., ed., Insects of the Karakorum—Kunlun Mountains. The Series of the Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai—Xizang Plateau. Science Press, Beijing. xii + 349 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 1997. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 1529–1552. In: Yang, X.-k., ed., Insects of the Three Gorge Reservoir area of Yangtze River. Part 2. Chongqing Publishing House, Chongqing. x + pp. 975–1847. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 2001. Diptera: Tachinidae. Pp. 476–502. In: Wu, H. & Pan, C.-w., eds., Insects of Tianmushan National Nature Reserve. Science Press, Beijing. xv + 764 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m. & Zhou, S.-x. 2003. Tachinidae. Pp. 443–498. In: Huang, B.-k., ed., Fauna of insects in Fujian Province of China. Vol. 8. Fujian Science and Technology Press, Fuzhou. 706 pp. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Chao, C.-m., Zhou, S.-x. & Wang, X.-j. 1987. Tachinidae. Pp. 1190–1275 + 2 pls. In: Forest Department of Yunnan Province & Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica (including Cai, B.-h. & Zheng, L.-y.), eds., Forest insects of Yunnan. Yunnan Science and Technology Press, Kunming. 9 + 1662 pp. + 16 pls. [In Chinese.]
Chao, C.-m. et al. 1998. Tachinidae. Pp. 1661–2206 + pls. 1–30. In: Xue, W.-q. & Chao, C.-m., eds., Flies of China. Vol. 2. Liaoning Science and Technology Press, Shenyang. 17 pp. + 1366–2425 + 32 pls. [In Chinese with English summary.]
Note: The two-volume set “Flies of China” bears a date of December 1996, but the actual date of publication was May 1998 (Pont & Xue 2007α). The authors of the Tachinidae chapter were not cited in the chapter and can only be determined from the section “Authors and their addresses” at the beginning of Vol. 1. Chao was the principal author, but in addition the following contributors to the Tachinidae chapter can be considered as co-authors: Liang, E.-y., Shi, Y.-s., Zhou, S.-x., Sun, X.-k. & Chen, R.-j. (colored plates). The order of co-authors cannot be determined, so we cite authorship of the Tachinidae chapter as Chao et al. (1998α).
Chappell, M.A. & Morgan, K.R. 1987. Temperature regulation, endothermy, resting metabolism, and flight energetics of tachinid flies (Nowickia sp.). Physiological Zoology 60: 550–559.
Charlet, L.D. 1988. Natural control by parasitoids of the sunflower beetle and banded sunflower moth. Pp. 45–51. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Great Plains Sunflower Insect Workshop, 19–20 April 1988, Fargo, North Dakota.
Charlet, L.D. 1992. Seasonal abundance and parasitism of the sunflower beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on cultivated sunflower in the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Economic Entomology 85: 766–771.
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Charlet, L.D. 2003. Incidence of sunflower beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and parasitism of its larvae by Myiopharus macellus (Reinhard) (Diptera: Tachinidae) in native sunflowers in North Dakota and Minnesota. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 76: 436–441.
Charlet, L.D. & Knodel, J.J. 2003. Impact of planting date on sunflower beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) infestation, damage, and parasitism in cultivated sunflower. Journal of Economic Entomology 96: 706–713.
Chatterjee, S.N., Mohandas, T.P. & Tanushree, T. 2003. Molecular characterization of the gene pool of Exorista sorbillans (Diptera: Tachinidae) a parasitoid of silkworm, Bombyx mori, in India. European Journal of Entomology 100: 195–200.
Chatterjee, S.N., Taraphdar, T. & Mohandas, T.P. 2005. Molecular analysis of divergence in tachinid Uzi (Exorista sorbillans) populations in India. Genetica (Dordrecht) 125: 1–15.
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Chaudhari, S.V. 2000. Parasitism by Senometopia illota Curran (Diptera: Tachinidae) on Helicoverpa armigera Hubner in pigeonpea and chickpea. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 28: 218–219.
Chaudhari, S.V. 2001. Effect of temperature on development and longevity of life stages of Carcelia illota Curran (Diptera: Tachinidae); a larval pupal parasitoid of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Symposium on Biocontrol Based Pest Management for Quality Crop Protection in the Current Millennium, July 18–19, 2001: 223–224.
Chaudhari, S.V. 2001. Reproductive biology and ovary structure of Senometopia illota Curran (Diptera: Tachinidae), a larval-pupal parasitoid of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Rayat Research Journal 9: 67–74.
Chaudhari, S.V. 2003. Parasitism in relation to host age selection by Senometopia illota Curran (Diptera: Tachinidae) on Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Rayat Research Journal 11: 63–65.
Chaudhari, S.V. 2014. Effect of some insecticides on puparia and adults of Carcelia illota Curran (Diptera: Tachinidae) a larval-pupal parasitoid of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera). Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary 2: 446–452.
Chaudhari, S.V. & Nikam, P.K. 1999. Host plant preference of Senometopia illota (Curran) (Diptera: Tachinidae) to Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on pigeonpea and chickpea. Journal of Biological Control 13: 15–18.
Chaudhari, S.V. & Nikam, P.K. 2001. Life table and intrinsic rate of increase of Carcelia illota Curran (Diptera: Tachinidae). Entomon 26: 23–27.
Chaudhari, S.V. & Nikam, P.K. 2002. Parasitism in relation to host age selection by Carcelia illota Curran (Tachinidae) on Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Journal of Insect Science (Ludhiana) 15: 61–62.
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Note: A better translation of the Chinese title than the one given in the English abstract is: “Survey on tachinid natural enemies of tea pests in Hunan”.
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Note: “faunostic” in title is a misspelling of “faunistic”. Under the title is written: “A paper for the Second International Congress of Dipterology”.
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Note: A better translation of the Chinese title than the one given in the English abstract is: “Tachinidae—a list of seventeen species of Tachinidae in Xining”.
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Evenhuis, N.L., Pont, A.C. & Whitmore, D. 2015. Nomenclatural studies toward a world list of Diptera genus-group names. Part IV: Charles Henry Tyler Townsend. Zootaxa 3978: 1–362.
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Gaponov, S. 1991. Eggs of Phasiinae (Diptera, Tachinidae). P. 65. In: Vásárhelyi, T. & Zombori, L., eds., Abstracts of the 4th European Congress of Entomology, 1991. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest.
Gaponov, S. 1991. Tachinid’s [sic] fauna of agrocenosis of the Central Black Soil Region. P. 64. In: Vásárhelyi, T. & Zombori, L., eds., Abstracts of the 4th European Congress of Entomology, 1991. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest.
Gaponov, S. 1992. Morphology of microtype tachinid eggs. The Tachinid Times 5: 3.
Gaponov, S. 1992. Morphology of the egg of Bothria frontosa Meigen. The Tachinid Times 5: 3.
Gaponov, S. 1993. Tachinid egg morphology. The Tachinid Times 6: 4.
Gaponov, S. 1994. Egg morphology of Thelymyia saltuum and Lypha dubia. The Tachinid Times 7: 6.
Gaponov, S. 1998. Evolution of egg structure in Tachinidae. Pp. 61–62. In: Ismay, J.W., ed., Abstracts Volume, Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. 275 pp. [Presentation not given at Congress.]
Gaponov, S. & Khitzova, L. 1989. Tachinid egg morphology. Part II. Macrotype eggs. VINITI, Moscow. 72 pp. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S. & Khitzova, L. 1990. The comparative eggs morphology of Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Tachinidae, Rhinophoridae. P. 66. In: Országh, I., ed., Abstract Volume, Second International Congress of Dipterology, Bratislava. 324 pp.
Gaponov, S. & Tsurikov, M. 1989. Arctiids (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) of south-east of the Central Black Soil Region and tachinids (Diptera, Tachinidae) parasitizing them. VINITI, Moscow. 9 pp. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 1992. Macrotype eggs of phasiins [sic] of the genera Gymnosoma, Heliozeta, Clytiomyia, Subclytia, Cistogaster and Ectophasia. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 71 (7): 23–28. [In Russian.]
Note: English translation in Entomological Review 71(9): 113–118.
Gaponov, S.P. 1992. Types of plastron of microtype tachinid eggs (Diptera, Tachinidae). Pp. 20–22. In: Success of entomology in USSR. Diptera: systematics, ecology, medical and veterinary importance. St. Petersburg. 274 pp. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 1993. Exochorion morphology in some species of the subfamily Tachininae (Diptera, Tachinidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 72: 125–129. [In Russian.]
Note: English translation in Entomological Review 73(3): 71–75.
Gaponov, S.P. 1994. Egg morphology of the Blondeliini (Diptera, Tachinidae). P. 69. In: O’Hara, J.E., ed., Abstract Volume, Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph. 270 pp.
Gaponov, S.P. 1994. Morphological peculiarities of spermathecae of tachinid flies (Diptera, Tachinidae). Pp. 161–165. In: Conditions and problems of ecosystems of Usmanian Forest. Voronezh State University Biological Station, “Venevitinovo”, Voronezh, Russia. Vol. 4. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 1996. Evolutionary trends in tachinid egg morphology (Diptera, Tachinidae). P. 123. In: Proceedings of the XX International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, August 25–31, 1996. 820 pp.
Gaponov, S.P. 1996. Morphology of egg surface in tachinids from tribes Exoristini and Winthemiini (Diptera, Tachinidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 75 (3): 468–474. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 1996. Morphology of eggs in four tachinid species from subfamily Phasiinae (Diptera, Tachinidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 75 (5): 552–557. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 1996. Survey of microtype eggs in Palearctic Goniini (Diptera, Tachinidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 75 (5): 713–725. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 1997. Tachinid-flies (Diptera, Tachinidae): the egg stage. VINITI, No. 3694-B97, Moscow. 116 pp. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 1998. Morphology of egg surface in tachinid-flies from the tribes Eryciini and Blondeliini (Diptera, Tachinidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 77: 202–208. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 2003. [Morphology and evolution of fly eggs (Diptera).] Corporation of Voronezh State University, Voronezh. 316 pp. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 2003. Morphology of eggs of Tachinidae (Diptera). Corporation of Voronezh State University, Voronezh. 87 pp. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. 2004. Tachinid eggs in tribe Goniini (Diptera, Tachinidae) and the system of the tribe. Conditions and problems of ecosystems in the Middle Russian Forest-steppe (Voronezh) 17: 63–70. [In Russian.]
Gaponov, S.P. & Khitskova, L.N. 1995. Biology and preimaginal stages of Blepharipa pratensis (Diptera, Tachinidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 74 (8): 94–99. [In Russian.]
Note: English translation in Entomological Review 75(5): 124–128.
Gaponov, S.P. & Khitzawa, L.N. 1994. Morphology of early preimaginal stages of development of Myxexoristops blondeli R.-D. (Diptera, Tachinidae). Conditions and problems of ecosystems of Usmanian Forest 4: 156–160. [In Russian.]
García, C. & Graziano, V. 1990. Survival and mortality factors of Epilachna varivestis Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on beans under natural conditions. Revista Chapingo 15: 123–125. [In Spanish.]
García-Gutiérrez, C., González-Maldonado, M.B., Chaírez-Hernández, I. & Bautista-Martínez, N. 2009. Parasitismo natural de las principales plagas del repollo en Nombre de Dios, Durango. Southwestern Entomologist 34: 193–195.
Gardenfors, U. 2004. Tachinid flies – make the life of insects unsafe. Entomologisk Tidskrift 125: 21–23. [In Swedish.]
Gardenghi, G., Campadelli, G. & Mellini, E. 1992. Anatomo-histological notes on the hindgut of last-instar maggots of some Diptera Tachinidae. Bollettino dell’Istituto di Entomologia “Guido Grandi” della Università degli Studi di Bologna 46: 87–92. [In Italian.]
Gardenghi, G. & Mellini, E. 1980. On the formation of the microtypical egg and of its fixing apparatus in Gonia cinerascens Rond. (Diptera Larvaevoridae). Bollettino dell’Istituto di Entomologia della Reale Universita Degli Studi di Bologna 35: 215–230. [In Italian.]
Gardenghi, G. & Mellini, E. 1990. Anatomical-histological notes on the alimentary canal of the last instar maggots of the parasitoid Pseudogonia rufifrons Wied. Bollettino dell’Istituto di Entomologia “Guido Grandi” della Università degli Studi di Bologna 44: 233–248. [In Italian.]
Gardenghi, G. & Mellini, E. 1993. Notes on the anatomy and histology of the female reproductive system of Archytas marmoratus (Town.) (Diptera Tachinidae). Bollettino dell’Istituto di Entomologia “Guido Grandi” della Università degli Studi di Bologna 47: 55–67. [In Italian.]
Gardenghi, G. & Mellini, E. 1995. Considerations on the alimentary canal of the larvae of the parasitoid Exorista larvarum (L.) (Dipt. Tachinidae). Bollettino dell’Istituto di Entomologia “Guido Grandi” della Università degli Studi di Bologna 49: 197–209. [In Italian.]
Gariepy, T.D., Kuhlmann, U., Gillott, C. & Erlandson, M. 2007. Parasitoids, predators and PCR: the use of diagnostic molecular markers in biological control of arthropods. Journal of Applied Entomology 131: 225–240.
Gaston, K.J. 1991. The magnitude of global insect species richness. Conservation Biology 5: 283–296.
Gates, M.W., Lill, J.T., Kula, R.R., O’Hara, J.E., Wahl, D.B., Smith, D.R., Whitfield, J.B., Murphy, S.M. & Stoepler, T.M. 2012. Review of parasitoid wasps and flies (Hymenoptera, Diptera) associated with Limacodidae (Lepidoptera) in North America, with a key to genera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 114: 24–110.
Gathalkar, G.B. & Barsagade, D.D. 2016. Parasites-predators: their occurrence and invasive impact on the tropical tasar silkworm Antheraea mylitta (Drury) in the zone of central India. Current Science 111: 1649–1657.
Gauld, I.D., Gaston, K.J. & Janzen, D.H. 1992. Plant allelochemicals, tritrophic interactions and the anomalous diversity of tropical parasitoids: the ‘nasty’ host hypothesis. Oikos 65: 353–357.
Gauld, I.D. & Janzen, D.H. 2004. The systematics and biology of the Costa Rican species of parasitic wasps in the Thyreodon genus-group (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 141: 297–351.
Gaur, M. & Ahmed, S.I. 1998. Bioecology and bio-management of rohida defoliator, Patialus tecomella Pajni, Kumar and Rose, a serious threat to marwar teak in Rajasthan. Annals of Entomology (Dehra Dun) 16: 43–48.
Gaviria, J. & Löhr, B. 2020. Parasitismo de Billaea claripalpis (Diptera: Tachinidae) sobre larvas de Rhynchophorus palmarum (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae). Avances en Investigación Agropecuaria 24 (2): 67–80.
Gavloski, J. & Hervet, V. 2013. Euxoa ochrogaster (Guenée), redbacked cutworm, Euxoa messoria (Harris), darksided cutworm, and Euxoa auxiliaris (Grote), army cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pp. 164–175. In: Mason, P.G. & Gillespie, D.R., eds., Biological control programmes in Canada 2001–2012. CABI, Wallingford. xxv + 518 pp.
Ge, Z.-p., Zhi, Y. & Zhang, C.-t. 2007. PCR amplification in 28S rRNA gene fragment of four tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae). Pp. 65–67. In: Li, D.-m., Wu, C.-s., Wu, Y.-j. & Meng, X.-x., eds., Entomological Research Issues. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the Entomological Society of China, 2007. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, Beijing. 629 pp. [In Chinese.]
Ge, Z.-p., Zhi, Y. & Zhang, C.-t. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of common Calyptratae flies (Insecta: Diptera) based on sequences of 28S rRNA gene. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 27: 989–992. [In Chinese.]
Geedi, R. & Reddy, G.V.P. 2023. Recent advances and challenges in implementing IPM programmes in the entomological context of Indian agriculture. Indian Journal of Entomology 85: 277–291.
Geest, E.A., Wolfenbarger, L.L. & McCarty, J.P. 2019. Lespesia archippivora (Diptera: Tachinidae) survival and sex ratios within monarch butterfly (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) hosts. American Midland Naturalist 182: 265–269.
Geest, E.A., Wolfenbarger, L.L. & McCarty, J.P. 2019. Recruitment, survival, and parasitism of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in milkweed gardens and conservation areas. Journal of Insect Conservation 23: 211–224.
Geetha, M.V., Kalyanasundaram, M., Jayaraj, J., Shanthi, M., Vijayashanthi, V.A., Hemalatha, D. & Karthickraja, K. 2018. Pests of sugarcane. Pp. 241–310. In: Omkar, O., ed., Pests and their management. Springer, Singapore. 1078 pp.
Gemeno, C., O’Hara, J.E. & Strazanac, J.S. 2003. First record of parasitism of cockroaches (Blattaria: Blattellidae) by Anisia optata (Diptera: Tachinidae). Entomological News 113 [2002]: 303–305.
Gencer, L. 2003. The parasitoids of Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) in Sivas. Turkish Journal of Zoology 27: 43–46.
Gentry, G.L. & Dyer, L.A. 2002. On the conditional nature of neotropical caterpillar defenses against their natural enemies. Ecology 83: 3108–3119.
Geogieva, E. 1991. The tachina fly – a helper. Zashchita Tastenii 10: 36. [In Russian.]
Georgiev, G. 2000. New and rare Tachinidae (Diptera) parasitoids of insect pests on the poplars (Populus spp.) in Bulgaria. Nauka za Gorata 37: 49–56.
Georgiev, G. 2000. Parasitoids of Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rott.) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in Bulgaria. Godishnik na Sofiiskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Okhridski” Biologicheski Fakultet Kniga 1 Zoologiya 92: 121–126. [In Bulgarian.]
Georgiev, G. 2000. Studies on larval parasitoids of Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rott.) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) on urban poplars (Populus spp.) in Sofia, Bulgaria. Annals of Forest Science 57: 181–186.
Georgiev, G. 2001. Parasitoids of Saperda populnea (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on aspen (Populus tremula L.) in Bulgaria. Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde 74: 155–158.
Georgiev, G., Hubenov, Z., Georgieva, M., Mirchev, P., Matova, M., Solter, L.F., Pilarska, D. & Pilarski, P. 2013. Interactions between the introduced fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga and indigenous tachinid parasitoids of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar in Bulgaria. Phytoparasitica 41: 125–131.
Georgiev, G., Hubenov, Z., Mirchev, P., Georgieva, M. & Matova, M. 2022. New tachinid parasitoids (Diptera: Tachinidae) on pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in Bulgaria. Silva Balcanica 23: 5–10.
Georgiev, G., Mirchev, P., Hubenov, Z. & Beshkow, S. 2002. Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata (Walk.) and Zenillia libratrix Panz. (Diptera: Tachinidae) – new parasitoids of Acrobasis consociella (Hbn.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Bulgaria. Forest Science 2: 87–90.
Georgiev, G., Raikova, M., Ljubomirov, T. & Ivanov, K. 2004. New parasitoids of Saperda populnea (L.) (Col. Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria. Journal of Pest Science 77: 179–182.
Georgiev, G., Sakalian, V., Ivanov, K. & Boyadzhiev, P. 2004. Insects reared from stems and branches of goat willow (Salix caprea L.) in Bulgaria. Journal of Pest Science 77: 151–153.
Georgiev, G., Zamfirov, M. & Konstantinov, V. 1999. Bioecological characteristics of the pine sawfly (Diprion pini L., Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) in a new habitat in Bulgaria. Nauka za Gorata 35 [1998]: 93–98. [In Bulgarian.]
Gerard, P.J., Charles, J.G., McNeill, M.R., Hardwick, S., Malipatil, M.B. & Page, F.D. 2011. Parasitoids of the painted apple moth Teia anartoides Walker (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology 50: 281–289.
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Gerding, M. & Figueroa, A. 1989. Hyalomyodes triangulifera Loew (Diptera: Tachinidae), parasitoid of Bruchus pisorum L. Agricultura Tecnica Santiago 49: 69–70. [In Spanish.]
Gernaat, H.B.P.E., Van Den Heuvel, J., Stokvis, F., Barten, F. & Van Andel, T. 2019. Life history in Suriname and taxonomic status of Heraclides garleppi lecerfi (Papilionidae: Papilioninae). Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 73: 162–172.
Ghahari, H., Hayat, R., Chao, C.-m. & Ostovan, H. 2008. A contribution to the dipteran parasitoids and predators in Iranian cotton fields and surrounding grasslands. Munis Entomology & Zoology 3: 699–706.
Ghazfar, A., Zargaran, M.R., Lotfalizadeh, H. & Rad, J.E. 2023. Species diversity and richness of arthropods related to wintering larvae of Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) in different areas of Arasbaran forests. Iranian Journal of Forest and Range Protection Research 20: 349–361. [In Persian with English abstract.]
Gheibi, M. & Ostovan, H. 2009. Preliminary investigation on the fauna of tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae) in Fars Province, Iran. Plant Protection Journal 1: 140–166.
Gheibi, M., Ostovan, H. & Kamali, K. 2009. A contribution to knowledge of the tachinid fly fauna of Fars Province, Iran. Zoology in the Middle East 46: 69–74.
Gheibi, M., Ostovan, H. & Kamali, K. 2010. A contribution to the tachinid flies of the subfamilies Exoristinae and Tachininae (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Fars Province, Iran. Turkish Journal of Zoology 34: 35–43.
Gheibi, M., Ostovan, H., Kamali, K. & Gilasian, E. 2009. The first report of six tachinid flies from Iran (Diptera: Tachinidae). Journal of Entomological Society of Iran 29 (1): 53–55. [In Persian with English abstract.]
Gheibi, M., Ostovan, H., Kamali, K., Zeegler, J. & Gilasian, E. 2008. Report of Ectophasia leucoptera (Dip.: Tachinidae) from Iran. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran 27 (2), Supplement: 3–6. [In Persian.]
Ghiotto, T.C., Barbosa, M.C., Guerreiro, J.C., Prado, E.P., Masson, M.V., Tavares, W.S., Wilcken, C.F., Zanuncio, J.C. & Ferreira-Filho, P.J. 2023. Ecological importance of lepidopteran defoliators on eucalyptus plantations based in faunistic and natural enemy analyses. Brazilian Journal of Biology 83: e268747.
Giangiuliani, G., Colazzo, S., Luca, G. & Farinelli, D. 1994. Host-location efficiency in the system Nezara viridula (L.) – Trichopoda pennipes F. Atti del Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia 17: 597–600. [In Italian.]
Giangiuliani, G. & Farinelli, D. 1995. Technique for the laboratory rearing for Trichopoda pennipes F. (Diptera: Tachinidae), an adult parasitoid of the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of the Southern African Society for Horticultural Sciences 5: 55–56.
Giangiuliani, G., Lucchi, A., Vinson, S.B. & Bin, F. 1994. External anatomy of adult antennal sensilla of the fly, Trichopoda pennipes F. (Diptera: Tachinidae). International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 23: 105–113.
Gibbs, D.J. 2002. Scarcer Diptera found in the Bristol Region in 1999, 2000 and 2001. Dipterists Digest (2nd Series) 9: 1–13.
Gil, Z.N. & Posada, F.J. 2002. La cria de mariposas en cautiverio: una alternative para el estudio de la biodiversidad en la zona cafetere colombiana. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 28: 61–68.
Gilasian, E., Talebi, A.A., Ziegler, J. & Manzari, S. 2013. A review of the genus Phania Meigen, 1824 (Diptera: Tachinidae: Phasiinae) in Iran with the description of a new species. Zoology and Ecology 23: 13–19.
Gilasian, E., Talebi, A.A., Ziegler, J. & Manzari, S. 2013. A taxonomic study of the genus Phasia (Dip.: Tachinidae) in Iran, with two new records. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran 33 (2): 13–31.
Gilasian, E., Talebi, A.A., Ziegler, J. & Manzari, S. 2014. Taxonomic study of the tribe Leucostomatini (Dip.: Tachinidae: Phasiinae) in Iran. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran 34 (1): 35–58. [In Persian with English abstract.]
Gilasian, E., Talebi, A.A., Ziegler, J., Manzari, S. & Parchami Araghi, M. 2014. A review of the genus Cylindromyia Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) in Iran, with the description of two new species and the newly discovered male of C. persica Tschorsnig. Studia dipterologica 20 [2013]: 299–324.
Gilasian, E., Talebi, A.A., Ziegler, J., Manzari, S. & Parchami-Araghi, M. 2017. New records of the subfamily Phasiinae (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Iran. Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics 3: 7–19.
Gilasian, E., Ziegler, J. & Parchami-Araghi, M. 2016. Interim report on the project to study the tachinid fauna of Khuzestan, Iran. The Tachinid Times 29: 11–12.
Gilasian, E., Ziegler, J. & Parchami-Araghi, M. 2016. A review of the genus Minthodes Brauer & Bergenstamm (Diptera: Tachinidae) in Iran, with the description of a new species. Zootaxa 4173: 125–136.
Gilasian, E., Ziegler, J. & Parchami-Araghi, M. 2018. Review of the genus Trichactia Stein (Diptera: Tachinidae) in the Palaearctic Region, with the description of a new species from Iran and the East Mediterranean. Zootaxa 4526: 207–220.
Gilasian, E., Ziegler, J. & Parchami-Araghi, M. 2019. Review of the genus Bampura Tschorsnig (Diptera: Tachinidae), with the description of a new species from Iran. Zootaxa 4585: 41–58.
Gilasian, E., Ziegler, J. & Parchami-Araghi, M. 2020. Review of the genus Synamphichaeta Villeneuve (Diptera: Tachinidae), with the description of a new species from Iran. Zootaxa 4718: 251–260.
Gilasian, E., Ziegler, J. & Parchami-Araghi, M. 2022. The fauna of the family Tachinidae (Diptera) in Haftad-Qolleh protected area (Markazi Province), with forty-six new records from Iran and description of a new species. Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics 8: 49–91.
Gilasian, E., Ziegler, J., Tóthová, A. & Parchami-Araghi, M. 2021. A new genus and species of tachinid flies from Iran (Diptera, Tachinidae, Goniini). European Journal of Taxonomy 746: 162–185.
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Gillung, J.P. & Borkent, C.J. 2017. Death comes on two wings: a review of dipteran natural enemies of arachnids. Journal of Arachnology 45: 1–19.
Gil-Santana, H.R. & Dios, R. de V.P. 2023. First record of parasitoidism of Reduviidae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) by Xanthomelanodes Townsend, 1893 (Insecta: Diptera: Tachinidae) in the Neotropical region. Revista Chilena de Entomología 49: 221–226.
Gil-Santana, H.R. & Forero, D. 2010. Taxonomical and biological notes on Neotropical Apiomerini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae). Zootaxa 2331: 57–68.
Gil-Santana, H.R., Nihei, S.S. & Nunez, E. 2014. Lespesia melloi sp. nov. (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Brazil, a parasitoid of Xanthopastis timais (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Insect Science 14 (Article 121): 9 pp.
Ginting, S., Zarkani, A., Hadi Wibowo, R. & Sipriyadi. 2020. New invasive pest, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) attacking corn in Bengkulu, Indonesia. Serangga 25 (1): 105–117.
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Giraldo, A.S. 2023. Respuesta olfativa de Trigonospila unicaldasi (Díptera: Tachinidae) a volátiles de plantas de cítricos atacadas por Compsus viridivittatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) y asperjadas con polisulfuro de calcio. Boletin Cientifico del Centro de Museos 27: 85–93.
Gisondi, S. 2018. Student News. The Tachinid Times 31: 40–41.
Gisondi, S., Bellanti, G., Mei, M., Di Giulio, A., Stireman, J.O. III & Cerretti, P. 2021. Pelamera atra (Rondani, 1861) (Diptera: Tachinidae) – systematics of a rare and enigmatic bristle fly from Europe. Zoologischer Anzeiger 290: 12–18.
Gisondi, S., Buenaventura, E., Jensen, A.R., Stireman, J.O. III, Nihei, S.S., Pape, T. & Cerretti, P. 2023. Phylogenetic relationships of the woodlouse flies (Diptera: Rhinophorinae) and the cluster flies (Diptera: Polleniidae). PLoS ONE 18 (9): e0285855.
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Note: Also published in Japanese in Shokubutsu Boeki 57: 314–319, 2003.
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O’Hara, J.E. 1994. Release of Triarthria setipennis in Ottawa and notes about the New World distribution of the genus. The Tachinid Times 7: 1–2.
O’Hara, J.E. 1994. Revision of Nearctic species of Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae). Canadian Entomologist 126: 775–806.
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O’Hara, J.E. 1995. The American Southwest revisited. The Tachinid Times 8: 6–8.
O’Hara, J.E. 1995. Book review: Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera – Tachinidae, by Herting and Dely-Draskovits. The Tachinid Times 8: 3–4.
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O’Hara, J.E. 1996. Book review: Handbook on British Tachinidae by R. Belshaw. The Tachinid Times 9: 2–3.
O’Hara, J.E. 1996. Earwig parasitoids of the genus Triarthria Stephens (Diptera: Tachinidae) in the New World. Canadian Entomologist 128: 15–26.
O’Hara, J.E. 1996. Hilltopping Tachinidae from the American Southwest. The Tachinid Times 9: 4–5.
O’Hara, J.E. 1996. The tachinid taxa of Louis P. Mesnil, with notes on nomenclature (Insecta: Diptera). Canadian Entomologist 128: 115–165.
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O’Hara, J.E. 1998. Systematics and the World Wide Web: an information system on the Tachinidae for the 21st Century. Pp. 161–162. In: Ismay, J.W., ed., Abstracts Volume, Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. 275 pp.
O’Hara, J.E. 1998. What’s in a name? Ceranthia samarensis vs. Aphantorhaphopsis samarensis. The Tachinid Times 11: 2–4.
O’Hara, J.E. 1999. Tachinidae (Diptera) parasitoids of bertha armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Canadian Entomologist 131: 11–28.
O’Hara, J.E. 2000. An account of a collecting trip to the mountains of southern Arizona and New Mexico, USA. The Tachinid Times 13: 4–7.
O’Hara, J.E. 2000. Some corrections to Sabrosky’s Family-group names in Diptera. The Tachinid Times 13: 3–4.
O’Hara, J.E. 2002. Advances in the phylogenetics of the Tachininae (Tachinidae). P. 177. In: Abstracts Volume, Fifth International Congress of Dipterology, Brisbane. 283 pp. + unpaginated Index.
O’Hara, J.E. 2002. Revision of the Polideini (Tachinidae) of America north of Mexico. Studia dipterologica. Supplement 10: 170 pp.
O’Hara, J.E. 2002. Spring collecting in the Sonoran desert. The Tachinid Times 15: 3–4.
O’Hara, J.E. 2003. The tachinid fauna of Carnarvon National Park, Queensland, as revealed by hilltop collecting. The Tachinid Times 16: 5–8.
O’Hara, J.E. 2004. Tachinidae Resources Website. Diptera Data Dissemination Disk 2: Electronic publication.
O’Hara, J.E. 2005. A review of the tachinid parasitoids (Diptera: Tachinidae) of Nearctic Choristoneura species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), with keys to adults and puparia. Zootaxa 938: 1–46.
O’Hara, J.E. 2007. A new species of Myiopharus Brauer & Bergenstamm (Diptera: Tachinidae) parasitic on adults of the sunflower beetle, Zygogramma exclamationis (Fabricius). Zootaxa 1521: 31–41.
O’Hara, J.E. 2008. Cataloguing the Tachinidae. The Tachinid Times 21: 6–10.
O’Hara, J.E. 2008. Tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae). Pp. 3675–3686. In: Capinera, J.L., ed., Encyclopedia of Entomology. Second Edition. Vol. 4, S–Z. Springer, Dordrecht. lxiii + 3225–4346 pp.
O’Hara, J.E. 2009. Resurrection of the name Pachycheta Portschinsky for a genus of Tachinidae (Diptera). Zootaxa 1989: 66–68.
O’Hara, J.E. 2011. Collecting and preserving tachinid legs for molecular study. The Tachinid Times 24: 11–14.
O’Hara, J.E. 2011. Cyber nomenclaturalists and the “CESA itch”. Zootaxa 2933: 57–64.
O’Hara, J.E. 2011. World genera of the Tachinidae (Diptera) and their regional occurrence. Version 6.0. PDF document, 75 pp.
O’Hara, J.E. 2012. Looking back on 25 issues of The Tachinid Times. The Tachinid Times 25: 1–2.
O’Hara, J.E. 2012. Review of Euthera (Diptera: Tachinidae) in North America with the description of a new species. Canadian Entomologist 144: 206–215.
O’Hara, J.E. 2012. Review of the tachinid fly diversity in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico. New Mexico Botanist, Special Issue No. 3 [= Proceedings of the Third Natural History of the Gila Symposium, October 14–16, 2010, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, New Mexico]: 32–41.
O’Hara, J.E. 2013. History of tachinid classification (Diptera, Tachinidae). ZooKeys 316: 1–34.
O’Hara, J.E. 2013. A visit to the Vienna Museum with a brief history of the tachinid collection. The Tachinid Times 26: 30–38.
O’Hara, J.E. 2013. Where in the world are all the tachinid genera? The Tachinid Times 26: 10–16.
O’Hara, J.E. 2014. New tachinid records for the United States and Canada. The Tachinid Times 27: 34–40.
O’Hara, J.E. 2014. World genera of the Tachinidae (Diptera) and their regional occurrence. Version 8.0. PDF document, 87 pp.
O’Hara, J.E. 2015. 8th International Congress of Dipterology, Potsdam, Germany, August 2014. The Tachinid Times 28: 20–21.
O’Hara, J.E. 2015. Vera Andreevna Richter 1936–2015. The Tachinid Times 28: 18–19.
O’Hara, J.E. 2016. Teratological specimens and the curious case of Girschneria Townsend. The Tachinid Times 29: 7–10.
O’Hara, J.E. 2016. World genera of the Tachinidae (Diptera) and their regional occurrence. Version 9.0. PDF document, 93 pp. Available at
O’Hara, J.E. 2018. In memoriam. Roger Ward Crosskey (1930–2017). The Tachinid Times 31: 44–49.
O’Hara, J.E. 2018. The state of Nearctic Tachinidae taxonomy as revealed by a single Malaise trap, the Canadian National Collection of Insects and DNA barcoding. P. 216. In: Kirk-Spriggs, A.H. & Muller, B.S., eds., Abstracts volume, 9th International Congress of Dipterology, 25–30 November 2018, Windhoek, Namibia. xxvii + 440 pp.
O’Hara, J.E. 2019. 9th International Congress of Dipterology Windhoek, Namibia, 25–30 November 2018. The Tachinid Times 32: 65–66.
O’Hara, J.E. 2019. Revisiting homonyms in the genus Tachina Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae). The Tachinid Times 32: 56–64.
O’Hara, J.E. 2019. Superfamily Oestroidea. Pp. 428–429. In: Savage, J., Borkent, A., Brodo, F., Cumming, J.M., Curler, G., Currie, D.C., deWaard, J.R., Gibson, J.F., Hauser, M., Laplante, L., Lonsdale, O., Marshall, S.A., O’Hara, J.E., Sinclair, B.J. & Skevington, J.H., Diptera of Canada. ZooKeys 819: 397–450. [In: Langor, D.W. and Sheffield, C.S., editors, The biota of Canada – a biodiversity assessment. Part 1: The terrestrial arthropods. ZooKeys 819: 520 pp.]
O’Hara, J.E. 2021. Differences vs. similarities: Monty Wood’s approach to tachinid classification (Diptera: Tachinidae). The Tachinid Times 34: 53–56.
O’Hara, J.E. 2021. How to make your tachinids stand out in a crowd. The Tachinid Times 34: 42–52.
O’Hara, J.E. 2022. Type species fixed under Article 70.3.2 of the Code for generic names in the Tachinidae (Diptera). Systema Dipterorum Nomenclatural Notes. II. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 143: 17–32.
O’Hara, J.E. 2023. Does the Sante Malaise trap really catch more insects than the Bugdorm Malaise trap? Fly Times 71: 23–25.
O’Hara, J.E. 2023. Does the Sante Malaise trap really catch more insects than the Bugdorm Malaise trap? . Fly Times 71: 23–25.
O’Hara, J.E. 2023. In the footsteps of C.H. Merriam and C.H.T. Townsend on the San Francisco Peaks of Arizona, USA. The Tachinid Times 36: 4–17.
O’Hara, J.E. 2023. Tachinidae of the Canadian Maritimes with a survey in New Brunswick. The Tachinid Times 36: 37–64.
O’Hara, J.E. 2024. Cordyligasterini Townsend, 1914 recognized as the valid tribal name for the former Sophiini Townsend, 1936 (Diptera, Tachinidae). Systema Dipterorum Nomenclatural Notes. IV. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 157: 11–18.
O’Hara, J.E. 2024. “Sugaring” for Tachinidae in the Henry Mountains of southern Utah, USA. The Tachinid Times 37: 51–72.
O’Hara, J.E. & Cerretti, P. 2016. Annotated catalogue of the Tachinidae (Insecta, Diptera) of the Afrotropical Region, with the description of seven new genera. ZooKeys 575: 1–344.
O’Hara, J.E. & Cerretti, P. 2021. Misidentifications have consequences: examples from Tachinidae (Diptera) and recommendations. The Tachinid Times 34: 25–26.
O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Pape, T. & Evenhuis, N. L. 2011. Nomenclatural studies toward a world list of Diptera genus-group names. Part II: Camillo Rondani. Zootaxa 3141: 1–268.
O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Stireman, J.O. III & Winkler, I.S. 2014. Chasing tachinids ‘Down Under’. Expeditions of the Phylogeny of World Tachinidae Project. Part II. Eastern Australia. The Tachinid Times 27: 20–31.
O’Hara, J.E. & Cooper, B.E. 1992. Revision of the Nearctic species of Cyzenis Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae). Canadian Entomologist 124: 785–813.
O’Hara, J.E., Cumming, J.M. & Borkent, A. 2020. In memory. Donald Montgomery (Monty) Wood (22 December 1933 – 24 August 2020). Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Canada 52: 206–210.
O’Hara, J.E. & Evenhuis, N.L. 2011. Case 3539. Sturmia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, Senometopia Macquart, 1834 and Drino Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863 (Insecta, Diptera, Tachinidae): proposed conservation of usage. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 68: 61–64.
O’Hara, J.E. & Evenhuis, N.L. 2012. Corrections to “Nomenclatural studies toward a world list of Diptera genus-group names”. The Tachinid Times 25: 15–16.
O’Hara, J.E. & Gray, D.A. 2005. Two new orthopteran hosts of North American Polideini (Diptera: Tachinidae). Entomological News 115 [2004]: 171–172.
O’Hara, J.E. & Henderson, S.J. 2017. Discovery of the tachinid Triarthria setipennis (Fallén) in Ottawa, Ontario, with notes on parasitism of the European earwig. The Tachinid Times 30: 14–20.
O’Hara, J.E. & Henderson, S.J. 2018. World genera of the Tachinidae (Diptera) and their regional occurrence. Version 10.0. PDF document, 89 pp. Available at:
O’Hara, J.E. & Henderson, S.J. 2020. Tachinid Bibliography 1980 – Present. Available at:
O’Hara, J.E. & Henderson, S.J. 2020. World genera of the Tachinidae (Diptera) and their regional occurrence. Version 11.0. PDF document, 90 pp. Available at:
O’Hara, J.E. & Henderson, S.J. 2022. Cataloguing the world Tachinidae (Diptera). The Tachinid Times 35: 4–21.
O’Hara, J.E. & Henderson, S.J. 2023. Catalogue of the Tachinidae (Insecta: Diptera) of the world. P. 157. In: Gaimari, S.D., ed., Abstracts volume, 10th International Congress of Dipterology, 16–21 July 2023, Reno, Nevada, USA. Fly Times Supplement 5. xix + 238 pp.
O’Hara, J.E., Henderson, S.J. & Wood, D.M. 2019. Introducing the ... Preliminary Checklist of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the World. The Tachinid Times 32: 20–36.
O’Hara, J.E., Henderson, S.J. & Wood, D.M. 2019. Preliminary checklist of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the world. Version 1.0. PDF document, 681 pp. Available at:
O’Hara, J.E., Henderson, S.J. & Wood, D.M. 2020. Announcing … Preliminary Checklist of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the World. Version 2. The Tachinid Times 33: 41–44.
O’Hara, J.E., Henderson, S.J. & Wood, D.M. 2020. Preliminary checklist of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the world. Version 2.1. PDF document, 1039 pp. Available at:
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O’Hara, J.E., Skevington, J.H. & Hansen, D.E. 2004. A reappraisal of tachinid diversity in Carnarvon N.P., Australia, and estimation of the size of the Australian Tachinidae fauna. The Tachinid Times 17: 8–10.
O’Hara, J.E. & Stireman, J.O. III. 2016. Tachinidae of the Red River Gorge area of eastern Kentucky. The Tachinid Times 29: 13–17.
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O’Hara, J.E. & Wood, D.M. 1998. Tachinidae (Diptera): nomenclatural review and changes, primarily for America north of Mexico. Canadian Entomologist 130: 751–774.
O’Hara, J.E. & Wood, D.M. 2004. Catalogue of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of America north of Mexico. Memoirs on Entomology, International 18: iv + 410 pp.
O’Hara, J.E., Wood, D.M. & González, C.R. 2021. Annotated catalogue of the Tachinidae (Insecta, Diptera) of Chile. ZooKeys 1064: 1–200.
O’Hara, J.E., Wood, D.M., Richter, V.A., Shima, H. & Henderson, S.J. 2010. Building a unified classification of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the world. P. 180. In: Zumbado, M.A., ed., Abstracts volume, 7th International Congress of Dipterology, San José. 296 pp. [Electronic publication.]
O’Hara, J.E., Zhang, C.-t. & Shima, H. 2020. Tachinidae. Pp. 845–970. In: Yang, D., Wang, M.-q. & Li, W.-l., eds., Species catalogue of China. Volume 2. Animals. Insecta (VI). Diptera (3). Cyclorrhaphous Brachycera. Science Press, Beijing. 1170 pp. [In Chinese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2018. Nemoraea pellucida (Meigen, 1824) (Diptera: Tachinidae) collected in Gifu Pref. Hana Abu 45: 68. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2018. Nemoraea pellucida (Meigen, 1824) (Diptera: Tachinidae) collected in Gifu Pref. Hana Abu 45: 68. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2019. Some rare specimens of Tachinidae in Osaka Museum of Natural History. Hana Abu 48: 8–10. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2019. Some remarkable records of Diptera from Kurotani Valley, Gero City, Gifu Pref. Hana Abu 47: 25–28. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2020. Additional records of Diptera in Kurotani Valley, Gero City, Gifu Pref. Japan with rare species of the genus Phasia Latreille (Diptera: Tachinidae). Hana Abu 49: 21–24. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2021. Calypterate muscoid flies recorded from Kume-jima Island, Okinawa Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 51: 35–37. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2021. Calyptrate muscoid flies collected from Ishigakijima Island, Okinawa Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 52: 47–53. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2021. The genus of Panzeria Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) collected from central Honshu, Japan. Hana Abu 52: 54–57. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2021. The genus Peribaea Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) with comb-shaped antennae recorded from Mie and Aichi Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 52: 43–44. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2021. Notes on undetermined species of genus Phytorophaga Bezzi, 1923 (Diptera, Tachinidae) found from Miyagi Pref., Honshu, Japan. Hana Abu 51: 38–40. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2022. Additional record of the genus Peribaea Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Tachinidae) from Aichi Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 54: 22–24. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2022. Anechuromyia nigrescens (Diptera, Tachinidae) collected in Shiga Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 53: 11–12. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2022. Calypterate muscoid flies recorded from Nansei Islands, Japan. Hana Abu 53: 7–10. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2022. Calypterate muscoid flies recorded from Utsubo-kouen Park, Osaka, Japan. Hana Abu 53: 1–4. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2022. Calyptrate muscoid flies collected from Amami-Oshima Island, Kagoshima Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 54: 28–31. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2022. Second record of Eliozeta helluo (Diptera, Tachinidae) from Osaka Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 53: 5–6. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2022. Some records of the genus Cylindromyia Meigen (Diptera, Tachinidae) from Japan. Hana Abu 54: 26–27. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2022. Some remarkable Calypterate muscoid flies around Mt. Senmai-dake, Shizuoka Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 54: 32–35. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2023. Anechuromyia nigrescens (Diptera: Tachinidae) collected in Gifu Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 55: 19. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2023. Calypterate muscoid flies collected in Okinawa main island, Okinawa Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 55: 22–25. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2023. Calyptratae flies (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) collected from Miyako Islands, Okinawa Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 56: 40–45. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2023. Calyptratae flies (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) collected from Niigata Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 56: 46–51. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2023. Eliozeta helluo (Diptera: Tachinidae) recorded from Kochi Pref. (First record in Shikoku). Hana Abu 56: 36–37. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2023. Some remarkable Diptera species around Mt. Hijiri-dake, Shizuoka Pref., Japan. Hana Abu 55: 29–31. [In Japanese.]
Ohmiya, M. 2023. Some remarkable Diptera species around Mt. Hijiri-dake, Shizuoka Pref., Japan (2) Onychogonia flavipes (Tachinidae). Hana Abu 56: 32–35. [In Japanese.]
Ohsaki, N., Ohata, M., Sato, Y. & Rausher, M.D. 2020. Host plant choice determined by reproductive interference between closely related butterflies. American Naturalist 196: 512–523.
Ohsaki, N. & Sato, Y. 1999. The role of parasitoids in evolution of habitat and larval food plant preference by three Pieris butterflies. Researches on Population Ecol