How do I BULK Close SL Work Assignments to assign a SL Seniority Points and RoFRs?

How do I BULK Close SL Work Assignments to assign a SL Seniority Points and RoFRs?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before bulk editing the assignment for the assignment of seniority points and Right of First Refusal, ensure you have completed the SL Work Assignment Closure Activity .

Steps to complete Bulk Status Change

  1. Go SL Work Assignment Closure: Bulk Assignment of SPs and RoFR on your My Sessional Lecturer (SL) Activities Dashboard
  2. Select the filters to refine your search to have presented the Work Assignment Records you would like to Bulk Edit.
  3. Select the specific Work Assignment Records you want to edit, or select all by using the selection box on the far left
  4. Select the Operations Button, "Bulk Change of Work Assignment Records."
  5. Check mark one or both fields you would like to modify for the Work Assignment Records you have selected. Modify the Work Assignment Record Status to the appropriate "end" status you desire. Once ready then Select the "Next" button.
  6. Confirm the items you wish to modify. Select, the "confirm" button. The bulk status of Work Assignment Records is now complete.

Updated SPs will automatically appear in the SP lists for CUPE and their members; RoFR will appear in the SLs Instructional History. Also see: 


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