Semesterly Report of Work Assignments

Unit 1: 11.02(d);

Unit 2: 11.06(d)

Following completion of the hiring process, the Department shall make available electronically in the Department, a summary of all semester work assignments indicating the course and employee(s) assigned to the course. The summary shall be made available no later than immediately following the second pay of the semester.


The Semesterly Report of Work Assignment report must be made available electronically. The reports are found in the Job Editor's Inbox:

o TA/GSA-1 (Unit 1) Semesterly Report of Work Assignments

o SL (Unit 2) Semesterly Report of Work Assignments

Academic units must be aware of privacy and confidentiality and safety of employees when making these lists available to academic unit employees. Acceptable distribution methods are: shared via OneDrive, CourseLink or by email. Notices of distribution should include a reminder that these are shared in confidence with instructions not to distribute.


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