There may be occasions where academic units need to hire a TA/SL unexpectedly (i.e.: illness, resignation, withdrawal of successful candidate). In some cases, academic units have the ability to fill a work assignment without posting:
Faculty must be offered courses on overload prior to making them available as SL assignments.
What is and is not CUPE 3913 bargaining unit work (see Article 2 or consult with the appropriate College Manager). Non-CUPE 3913 work must not be posted through this system. For example, do not post work assignments held by:
There are circumstances in which canceling a course may incur costs. The decision to cancel a course once it is posted must take into consideration the following:
Is it a Unit 1 (TA) or Unit 2 (SL) work assignment?
For Sessionals, has an offer to exercise a Right of First Refusal (RoFR) been extended (i.e., when the posting went live) and the timeline provided to respond expired?
For Sessionals without RoFR, has an Offer of Appointment been issued?