What to do when someone withdraws from a work assignment AFTER they have accepted the Offer?

As the acceptance of an offer creates a Work Record, which when closed assigns a SP, it is critical that the Offer and the Work Record be edited when an employee withdraws from a work assignment (or when the academic unit withdraws a work assignment).  

Should the Work Record Status and assignment of a SP (and RoFR for SLs)  need to be changed following the acceptance of an Offer (i.e.., offer is withdrawn by either the University or the Candidate), follow this three-step process to ensure that a SP and (and RoFR for SLs) is not accrued.  Go to Work Assignment Closure Activities and search for the Active Offer: 

Step 1: Edit the Offer Status to “UofG Withdrawn" or “Can. Withdrawn", as applicable.  There is no need to edit the Workflow Status because it updates when saved.  Ensure to make note of the reason in the "Offer Admin Memo" field.

Step 2: Edit the Work Record Seniority Point from "Pending Assignment Completion" to "Not Accrued". Ensure to make note of the reason in the "Work Assignment Admin Memo" field.

Step 3: For SLs only, Edit the Work Record RoFR from "Pending" to "Not Earned". Ensure to make note of the reason in the "Work Assignment Admin Memo" field.

This is the only way to ensure that a SP (or RoFR) is not accrued for a work assignment that is withdrawn/not complete. 

NOTE: Other than course cancellations for unreasonably low enrollment per Article 12 of the Unit 2 Collective Agreement, accepted Offers should not be withdrawn without consulting with the College Manager or Faculty and Academic Staff Relations.


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