University of Guelph

1996-97 Undergraduate Calendar


VIII--Regulations and Procedures

VIII--Regulations and Procedures

The academic regulations outlined below are the basic regulations for undergraduate degree programs of the University as approved by the Senate. Terminology used to describe academic regulations is defined in Section XVIII--Glossary. If Senate changes the regulations of this calendar, these changes will be posted on the Senate bulletin board in the University Library. In these regulations where the consent of the dean is required, the term "dean" is interpreted to mean the person responsible for the academic program, for example dean, director, chair of program committee, or the program counsellor in a particular degree program. Approved changes in the regulations which affect a student's program of study will be included with the course selection or registration material.


* Notes on Academic Structure
* Academic Consideration and Appeals
* Academic Misconduct
* Adding Courses
* Admissions
* Attendance at Class
* Auditing Courses
* Categories
* Classification
* Continuation of Study
* Course Sections
* Course Selection
* Dean's Honours List
* Deferred Privileges
* Dropping Courses
* Examinations
* Exchange Programs
* Failed Courses
* Grades
* Graduate Courses
* Graduation
* Instructor Notification
* Letters of Confirmation of Enrolment
* Letters of Confirmation of Graduation
* Letters of Permission
* Limited Enrolment Courses
* Pre-Veterinary Year
* Readmission
* Registration
* Schedule of Studies
* Scheduling
* Semester Level Calculation
* Staff Registration and Tuition Waiver
* Study Abroad
* Transcripts
* Transfer of Program
* Verification Notice
* Withdrawal

1996-97 Undergraduate Calendar

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Last revised: August 28, 1996. Contact: