Displaying Results: [891 - 900] of 3203

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Parkinson Canada: Pilot Project Grants, New Investigator Award Program, Basic Research Fellowship

A number of funding opportunities exist for research focused on Parkinson’s disease. Information on the individual funding opportunities can be found on the Parkinson Canada Research Application Site.

All applicants are encouraged to...

6 years 10 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Collaborative Research Travel Grants

The Collaborative Research Travel Grant (CRTG) program provides support for relatively unrestricted travel funds to academic scientists (faculty and postdocs) at U.S. or Canadian degree-granting institutions.  Grants must be used for domestic or international travel to another lab to learn new...

6 years 10 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Health and Life Sciences
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Call for Proposals: 2018-2019 Contributions Program

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) today issued a call for proposals under its 2018-2019 ...

6 years 10 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Nova Scotia Museum Research Grants

The Nova Scotia Museum Research Grant Program, administered by the museum's board of governors, annually contributes funding toward research projects that improve Nova Scotians' understanding of heritage or offer a different interpretation of the province's cultural history. Results from the...

6 years 10 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Humanities
Low Carbon Innovation Fund

The Low Carbon Innovation Fund is a fund to help researchers, entrepreneurs and companies create and commercialize new, globally competitive, low-carbon technologies that will help Ontario meet its GHG emissions reductions targets...

6 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship for Graduate Students

The Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship provides a long-term funding and internship option for Master’s and PhD students. Recipients can also access professional development training that helps them ensure project success and gain in-demand career skills. Students work closely with a partner...

6 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Weston Brain Institute - Tranformational Research Program: Call for Letters of Intent

The Weston Brain Institute is delighted to launch our Transformational Research: Canada 2018 Program to fund transformative, novel, high-risk, high-reward translational research projects with excellent preliminary data.  The goal of the program is to provide funding for translational research...

6 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
Women's College Hospital - Women's Xchange

The $15K Challenge is a competitive funding initiative that supports grassroots research projects across Ontario by awarding up to $15,000 to organizations helping to advance the health of women and girls. The Women’s Xchange team can assist with the application and research process when needed...

6 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Social Sciences
Famae "Inspiring Green" Collaborative Challenge for Waste Reduction

This is Famae's first Collaborative Challenge seeking pragmatic, efficient, durable, universal and money-saving solutions to reduce or recycle the yearly wastes generated by a urban family (using, if necessary, existing solutions). In a Western country, an average 4-person family generates up to...

6 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Webinar on SSHRC Insight Development Grants 2018

SSHRC in holding a webinar on the upcoming Insight Development Grants (IDG) 2018 competition. New this year, a detailed...

6 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences