University of Guelph 1997-98 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs

Bachelor of Arts--B.A.

For the degree of Bachelor of Arts the University of Guelph offers a general program requiring the equivalent of 6 semesters of successful full time study (general program), and a specialized program requiring the equivalent of 8 semesters of successful full time study (honours program). A student may register in any of the 3 semesters (Spring, Fall, Winter). In the B.A. program, 5 courses per semester is the normal load for a regular full time student. Students may register in fewer courses at their own discretion but may register in a 6th course only with the specific approval of the B.A. program counsellors. Part time students may take 3 courses or fewer per semester.

* Program Information

* Agricultural Economics

* Anthropology

* Art History

* Business Administration

* Canadian Studies

* Classical Languages

* Classical Studies

* Computing and Information Science

* Computing and Information Science (Co-op)

* Drama

* Economics

* Economics (Co-op)

* English

* Environmental Studies

* European Studies

* Family and Child Studies

* French

* Geography

* German

* History

* Information Systems and Human Behaviour

* International Development

* Italian

* Management Economics

* Marketing Management

* Mathematical Economics

* Mathematics

* Music

* Philosophy

* Political Studies

* Psychology

* Psychology (Co-op)

* Rural and Development Sociology

* Rural Extension Studies

* Sociology

* Spanish

* Statistics

* Studio Arts

* Women's Studies

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
X--Degree Programs

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Last revised: November 4, 1997.