Sale drafts are rarely used, as the majority of our departments have switched to POS terminals for processing. If you are among the remaining few who have not already done so the following should be recorded on a credit card sales draft:
Cardholder’s number
Cardholder’s name, as it appears on the card
Expiration date
Goods or services purchased
Your merchant number information
The amount of the sale
On the signature line you may record the cardholder’s phone number or sales item number.
Credit card fees are approximately 2%, debit cards are 5 cents per transactions and POS terminals are $50 per month. For more information contact Dave Hargreaves in Treasury Operations.
MiraPay is Eigen Development's e-commerce payment gateway service that processes credit card transactions for Merchants who have had an Internet Merchant account (Visa and Mastercard) setup by Treasury Operations.
Using Mirapay eliminates the need for each department to develop their own credit card validation site. This avoids any liability and security issues of the University having access to the users credit card information. In addition, the web payments are deposited directly to the University's bank account along with the appropriate Internet Merchant account number.
Analyze your requirements and determine if credit card payments via the web meets your needs.
Design and develop an E-commerce web based system (shopping cart application) that would include detailed description of goods and services, delivery method, product list in CDN dollars, refund policy, etc.
Once you understand the costs and benefits of your proposed e-commerce application then you need to apply for an Internet Merchant number through Treasury Operations. Contact Louise Mailloux or Dave Hargreaves and they will process your Global payments Internet Merchant application.
The departmental e-commerce system must generate a payment invoice prior to authorizing a transaction. The purchase totals should appear as an on-line invoice after your customers have selected their goods or services. The departments on-line invoice would include; date of the transaction, bill to name and address, short description of the goods or services involved total cash price plus any taxes, etc.
Daily, the department administrator logs onto the MiraPay website at as the authorized MiraPay administrator. The administrator prints off the "end of day" (EOD) web-payment register that lists the payments processed to-date. The department attaches the MiraPay web payment register as backup to the RRV Revenue Remittance Vouchers and then forwards both to Treasury Operations (4th floor, UC).