Update on the Admissions CRM Initiative

Posted on Friday, April 1st, 2022

To advance our strategic enrolment goals and remain competitive with other institutions, implementing a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform is essential. The Admission CRM Teams have confirmed their intent to proceed with the use of Slate as the University of Guelph’s Admission CRM platform. Detailed analysis and review of Slate were conducted in 2021, along with a proof of concept. The proof of concept was performed by the International Recruitment and Admissions Team. To learn first-hand about Slate’s rich features and functionality, they moved their business processes and data related to recruitment and inquiry management to Slate. They coordinated events and ran communication campaigns through the platform.

The team is actively assessing and commencing with the building out of Slate as the centralized admissions and recruitment operations platform, with a specific focus in 2022 on streamlining activity for other groups – undergraduate (domestic), graduate, Guelph-Humber and Ridgetown – particularly for their operations at the prospect/inquiry level. The team is engaging with a consultant to determine a detailed roadmap for migrating from its legacy Prospect Management System (PMS) to the new platform and integrating Slate with the existing Student Information System.

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