Welcome to the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences!

We are home to world-leading research and education in chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics and statistics, and physics at the University of Guelph. Our students graduate equipped for a shifting job market, prepared for dynamic careers in STEM. Our vibrant, connected community welcomes you from the moment you join us to learn or work. We are one of the country's leading comprehensive and research-intensive universities. Explore our programs:

Undergraduate Students

Graduate Students

International Students

Features and Highlights

A group of campers in grades 2-3 paint a banner during a Creative Encounters Summer Camp

A Summer with Creative Encounters

Creative Encounters wraps its 29th summer of programs.

Dr. Misra and team at the lab.

Camelina Oil: Greener Packaging Solution

Researchers modify Camelina oil to offer sustainable, water-resistant coating for paper packaging.

Image of Genievieve Borg standing on alumni walk smiling at camera

Grad Student Q&A: Genievieve Borg

A chemistry PhD student is making an impact in the classroom and beyond.

Headshot of PhD student Milad Norouzpour

Turning Rocks into Climate Solutions

PhD student Milad Norouzpour develops scalable CO2 sequestration technologies to help combat climate change.

Undergraduate Programs

We are ranked as one of Canada's top comprehensive schools and number one for student satisfaction, with diverse programming in physical, computing, and engineering sciences.

Discover our programs

Graduate Programs

We are home to world-renowned faculty, innovative research facilities, and exceptional opportunities for graduate student learning and research.

Explore now

Study Permit Cap

There have been changes to study permit application requirements for new international students. We are committed to supporting you in attending the University of Guelph.

Study permit cap FAQ