Undergraduate Award Search

Colonel Carl & Christina Walker Engineering Scholarship [I1273]

Donor(s):Christina Walker
Value:1 award of $3,500
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

This scholarship is in the memory of Carl Walker who believed that education is one of the key elements to be successful in life. To Carl the world was not “the way it is” – it is the way we make it. Carl led a successful career as an Engineer, Physician (Emergency & Aerospace Medicine) and Military Leader in the Canadian Armed Forces. Both Carl & Christina are University of Guelph graduates and Guelph was where Carl received his start in Biological Engineering. Throughout Carl’s life he always took an interest in those who worked hard, encouraging them to excel and grow. Apply by October 7 to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) and submit the Colonel Carl & Christina Walker Engineering Scholarship application. Selection will be based on financial need.

Students registered in the Bachelor of Engineering program, have completed a minimum of 11.25 credits, have demonstrated financial need, and have participated in volunteer activities, either in the community or at the University of Guelph. Preference will be given to students with a connection to the military, for example, former cadet, current or former member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) including the CAF Reserves, and/or whose parent(s) is a current or former member of the CAF, including the CAF Reserves.