Graduate Award Search

Chemistry Graduate Student Excellence Scholarship [I6085]

Donor(s):Chemistry Department
Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the summer and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Nomination
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

This award was established by the Chemistry Department in 2015 to recognize academic and research excellence in the GWC2 program. Nominations will be solicited from GWC2 faculty and the Graduate Officers in the Winter semester each year. Supporting documentation will include a curriculum vitae, publication list, and grade report for the student, and supporting letters from the supervisor and (if possible) one other faculty member. If nominated, students will be contacted to provide the required documents. Selection will be based on high academic standing in their program and demonstrated research performance/potential. This award may be held up to 2 times.

Students registered full-time at the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry, (GWC2) who have completed at least two graduate courses. Preference will be given to students who do not currently hold a major award