NMR Training

Training is a necessary first step before gaining access to the NMR Centre. All users will need to complete either the Basic Training or Metabolomics Training prior to using the NMR equipment. Users who need training in protein NMR or solids NMR should directly email nmr@uoguelph.ca

Basic Training (see below for metabolomics)

In this hands-on session, users will learn about NMR safety, sample preparation, and the NMR software program TopSpin. Users will practice 1D and 2D data collection on the 400 MHz NMR with autosampler. Training is offered year-round. Please fill out our Basic Training request form to sign up.

Basic Metabolomics Training 

In this hands-on session, users will learn about NMR safety, metabolomics sample preparation, and be trained in the use of the metabolomics automation interface on the 600 MHz cryoprobe. Metabolomics users do not need to complete any of the other training sessions to collect metabolomics data. Please email nmr@uoguelph.ca to request Metabolomics Training. 

Intermediate Training

In this seminar, users will learn about commonly adjusted experimental parameters (e.g. relaxation delay, sweep width, etc.), and a practical explanation behind the common NMR calibration steps (locking, tuning, shimming, etc.), including a presentation of common mistakes and how to avoid them. These sessions will be offered bimonthly (or more frequently if there is demand). Please email nmr@uoguelph.ca to sign up for the next session.

Advanced Training

In this hands-on session, users will receive custom training specific to their needs (e.g. 600 MHz cryoprobe usage, selective experiments, variable-temperature NMR, advanced 2D experiments, etc.). Users will then need to pass a test that covers the Intermediate training and the practical skills covered in Advanced Training. Only users who have successfully passed Advanced Training may use advanced techniques or vary experimental parameters. Please email nmr@uoguelph.ca to request Advanced Training.