4th Glocal Classroom Seminar Streaming Live - Nov. 24-25

Posted on Monday, November 24th, 2014

The Glocal Classroom project involves four universities on four continents who have decided to build a global platform for collaboration and interchange in web-based learning, Starting in Stellenbosch, South Africa, in March, continuing in Guelph, Canada, in May, Malmö, Sweden, in September and ending at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, in November, we shall be carrying out a world series of seminars hosted by the participating universities.

The aim of the project is to bridge the existing gap between web-based learning (often understood as distance learning) and conventional forms of education on campus, by exploring innovative ways to combine the two. The focus shall be on the user level, not the technical system level. We wish to create a common ground for discussion on the pedagogical application of ICTs in teaching and learning in general. Just as the former division between “old” and “new” media has been overruled by convergence media, this project aims at enhancing what might be called convergence pedagogy.

This 4th seminar hosted by Flinders University will explore a range of issues affecting Timor-Leste, the youngest state in Asia, within a context of rapid economic growth and social transformation in the Asian region. Facilitated by presenters drawn from Flinders University and partner universities, you will learn about themes that cut across international relations and international development.

The seminar is offered as a two-day summer intensive over 24-25 November 2014 and students and others who wish to take part in some aspects of the seminar as guests will be able to do so via the Glocal Classroom LIVE page.

Please consider joining us in person or online!

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