SSC 3317
Are you a Graduate Student interested in the Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning?
Are you Faculty or Teaching Staff interested in support for developing new Learning Activities for your class?
In 2016 at the University of Calgary, Dr. Isabelle Barrette-Ng initiated SAGES (SoTL Advancing Graduate Education in STEM). This successful program now has a waitlist of Graduate Students eager to participate in courses on the Theory of Teaching and Learning, followed by Application in the form of pairing with a faculty member to design learning activities for a course.
Feedback from the SAGES program reveals an overwhelming response from faculty participating in the program describing the transformation not only in their course, but in their own teaching as well, resulting from their opportunity to be paired with Graduate Students in the SAGES program.
We will be welcoming Isabelle to share her experience establishing the SAGES program on Monday November 11, 1:00pm in SSC 3317. Then stay with us at 2:00pm, as we maintain the energy from the talk by transitioning directly to a discussion of how a similar program could be developed in CBS. We welcome everyone to join the discussion as we explore opportunities to incorporate elements of SAGES into existing and future programs within CBS.