How to Unknow the Uncertainties in Data Science CARE-AI Seminar Series featuring Dr. Michael Muller IMB Research

Date and Time



Event graphic for CARE-AI seminar series event with date, time, speaker, and other information.


How to Unknow the Uncertainties in Data Science

Speaker: Dr Michael Muller

Michael Muller works as a Research Scientist at IBM Research, on the traditional, contemporary, and unceded lands of the Wampanoag and Massachusett peoples (known to colonists as Cambridge MA US). He conducts critical studies of human work in data science, and is a co-author of the book Human Centered Data Science, to be published by MIT Press in February 2022. Michael's earlier research included human collaboration and participatory design practices. Michael pursues social justice work through feminist-informed and Indigeneity-informed analyses, including Michael's participation in IBM's public website for Racial Equity in Design. ACM recognized Michael as a Distinguished Scientist, and SIGCHI inducted Michael into the CHI Academy.

The talk will look at research on forms of unknowing, in which a powerful party erases knowledge of past wrongs and harms.

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