Research Highlights

Lab set up with a large NMR system

Protein Puzzles

U of G researchers follow the unfolding of cellular proteins to find out what makes them stable.

Woman holding up a microfluidic chip

Chip Away Costs

Finding a better, cheaper way to make microchips that can be used as diagnostic tools.

Playing it Safe

Researchers keep online gaming safe by learning how and where to find evidence of cyber-crimes.

Colourful star explosion

Rules of Attraction

Researchers calculate the weight of neutron stars, the strongest magnets in the universe.

Image of a cell membrane with embedded proteins

On the Surface

New life-like model of cell membrane will enable a better look at cell surface proteins.

Slice of bread with measuring tape wrapped around it

Let Them Eat Bread

University of Guelph researchers modify starch to slow its digestion and prevent a post-meal blood sugar spike.

Piglets exploring a field.

Piggy Gene Bank

University of Guelph researchers investigate how to make selective pig breeding more affordable.

Woman interacting with a touch screen display

Attention-Grabbing Displays

Random animations that appeal to consumers’ needs can enhance public use of interactive digital displays.

Child in a swimming pool holding sunscreen

Tiny Particles, Big Impact

Non-toxic, eco-friendly nanoparticles can improve health and personal care products.

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