Undergraduate Award Search

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A total of 64 awards were found.

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Note about "Citizenship" search options: PR refers to Permanent Residents and PP refers to Protected Persons.

B.Sc.(Agr.) Alfred McInroy "Mac" Cuddy Memorial Scholarship [E0669]

Value:2 awards of $2,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering the first semester of the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a minimum of 80.0% admission average.

Read Full Description for Award E0669

BASF Agricultural Solutions BIPOC Scholarship [I1325]

Value:1 award of $2,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Black, Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) or persons of colour/racialized students registered in the B.Sc. (Agr) or a B.Sc. program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College who have demonstrated leadership to Canadian agriculture through extracurricular activities, volunteerism, or employment.

Read Full Description for Award I1325

BASF Agricultural Solutions Scholarship [I1324]

Value:1 award of $2,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the B.Sc. (Agr) or a B.Sc. program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College who have completed a minimum 10.0 credits and have demonstrated leadership to Canadian agriculture through extracurricular activities, volunteerism, or employment.

Read Full Description for Award I1324

Barry and Cheryle Hill Scholarship [I0958]

Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15th
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the B.Sc. (Agr.) program who have completed a minimum of 12.0 credits and have career aspirations in agriculture.

Read Full Description for Award I0958

Bruce County Graduation Prize [C0037]

Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:At summer convocation
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students graduating in June or who graduated in the previous winter or fall convocation from any OAC degree program who are from Bruce County. Preference will be given to students graduating from the B.Sc. Agriculture program.

Read Full Description for Award C0037

Bruno Nielsen Scholarship in Organic Agriculture [I1212]

Value:2 awards of $5,000
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any OAC degree program who have demonstrated involvement in organic fruit and/or vegetable production and have demonstrated financial need. Preference to students who have volunteered with the Guelph Centre of Urban Organic Farming.

Read Full Description for Award I1212

C.W. Riley Prize [C0246]

Value:1 award of $250
Awarded:At summer convocation
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Student who, on graduation from Food Agriculture and Resource Economics, Agricultural Business or Resource Economics and Rural Development major, attains the highest proficiency in the area subjects.

Read Full Description for Award C0246

Canada's Outdoor Farm Show Travel Grants [T3536]

Value:several awards of up to $5,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the summer and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Need-Based Travel Grant Application
Deadline:March 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any of the following degree programs offered by the Ontario Agricultural College: Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science Agriculture, Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice, Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management: Environmental Management, or students registered in the Associate Diploma in Agriculture program, who are participating in curriculum-based travel, who have been involved in student activities, and who demonstrate financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Read Full Description for Award T3536

Class of 1933 Prize [C0062]

Value:2 awards of $5,000
Awarded:At summer convocation
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:April 1
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Graduating students of the BSc(Agr.) program who plan to undertake graduate study in agriculture at a recognized university.

Read Full Description for Award C0062

Class of OAC 1983 Scholarship [I1203]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any OAC degree program who have demonstrated aspirations of having a career in agriculture through extracurricular activities, work experience, and/or volunteerism.

Read Full Description for Award I1203

David J. Best Scholarship [I1272]

Value:1 award of $1,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons of Canada registered in the Bachelor of Science program, or the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College, who have demonstrated farming work experience. Preference will be given to students who gained work experience by working on a family operation

Read Full Description for Award I1272

David R. Leach Memorial Bursary [I3534]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students who are physically disabled as determined by the Student Accessibility Services with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Read Full Description for Award I3534

Donald P. Watson Bursaries in Horticultural Science [I4501]

Value:several awards of varying amounts
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • In-Course Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the BLA, B.Sc.(Env.), B.Sc.(Agr.) Honours Agriculture, B.Sc.(Agr.) Crops, Horticulture and Turfgrass Sciences, B.Sc.(Agr) Crop Science, B.Sc.(Agr.) Horticulture, B.Sc. Plant Science degree programs who have completed a minimum of 10.0 credits and who have demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards). Preference will be given to students registered in the BLA, B.Sc(Agr) Crops, Horticulture and Turfgrass Sciences, Crop Science, and Horticulture programs.

Read Full Description for Award I4501

Douglas M. Robinson Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Communications [I0409]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any degree program offered by the Ontario Agriculture College with a minimum of 10.0 credits.

Read Full Description for Award I0409

Dr. Ali Navabi Memorial Prize [C1280]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:At summer convocation
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:April 1
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students who are graduating in June or have graduated in the previous winter or fall convocations from any degree program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College who intend to pursue graduate studies in the Department of Plant Agriculture. Preference will be given to students who have experience with and/or propose to undertake cereal science research.

Read Full Description for Award C1280

Dr. Bob Hayes Memorial Prize [C2186]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:At summer convocation
  • Apply By Letter
  • Reference Letter
Deadline:Winter during the call for applications from the Dean's office
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students graduating from the Food Animal Stream of the DVM program.

Read Full Description for Award C2186

Dr. C. John Small Commonwealth Scholarship [I0611]

Value:1 award of $2,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • No Application Required
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Full-time visiting exchange students registered for at least one semester from a Commonwealth developing country who are pursuing studies or conducting research in the area of agriculture and rural development.

Read Full Description for Award I0611

Dr. Downey West Thompson Scholarship [I2185]

Value:1 award of $3,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Reference Letter
  • Apply By Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
Deadline:Fall during the call for applications from the Dean's office
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in Phase 3 of the DVM program who will be undertaking an experiential learning opportunity related to public health or food safety between the end of Phase 3 and the end of Phase 4.

Read Full Description for Award I2185

Dr. G. Raymond Chang OC OJ Leadership Entrance Scholarship [E1346]

Value:1 award of $5,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering any program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College with demonstrated leadership in agriculture through extracurricular activities, work experience, and/or volunteerism. Preference will be given to Black, Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis), and persons of colour/racialized persons.

Read Full Description for Award E1346

Dr. Jack Britney Scholarship [E0034]

Value:1 award of $2,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering any OAC degree program with a preference given to students who graduated from any University of Guelph Associate Diploma program.

Read Full Description for Award E0034

Dr. Lynn Helwig Memorial Bursary [I2101]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • In-Course Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in Phase 4 of the D.V.M. program in the Rural Community Practice Stream who have demonstrated financial need.

Read Full Description for Award I2101

F.E. Wolff International Scholarship [T0313]

Value:several awards of varying amounts
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:March 15 (Travel occurring between May 1- August 31)/ July 15 (Travel occurring between September 1-December 31)/November 15 (Travel occurring between January 1- April 30)
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any program offered by OAC with a minimum 70% cumulative average and who are registered AGR*2500 (Field course in International Agriculture with field trip to Costa Rica).

Read Full Description for Award T0313

Flower Deco Bursary [I3095]

Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any of the following programs are eligible for this award: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a major in Crop, Horticulture and Turfgrass Sciences or Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a major in Honours Agriculture, or Bachelor of Science with a major in Plant Science or Bachelor of Landscape Architecture. Preference will be given to students with an interest in Horticulture.

Read Full Description for Award I3095

Ginty Jocius Journey of Growth Travel Grant [T0658]

Value:Several awards of up to $6,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the summer and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:March 15th (Travel occurring between May 1st and August 31st)/ July 15th (Travel occurring between September 1st and December 31st)/November 15th (Travel occurring between January 1st and April 30th)
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any OAC degree program who are travelling for academic purposes such as participating in meetings, conferences, seminars, trade shows, and/or course field trips. Preference will be given to students attending the Canadian Agri-Marketing Association Competition at the National Agri-Marketing Association Conference.

Read Full Description for Award T0658

Glenn Webb Education Scholarship/ GROWMARK Foundation OAC - Guelph Campus [I0897]

Value:2 awards of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students with a minimum cumulative average of 70% who have completed 10.0 credits of any OAC degree program who have been involved in the field of agriculture. Preference will be given to students with an Ontario farm background and are interested in pursuing full-time employment in agriculture in the province of Ontario after graduation.

Read Full Description for Award I0897

Gord Bennett Memorial and Class of O.A.C. ’43 Bursary [E3515]

Value:1 award of $1,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Entrance Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering the BSc(Agr) or BComm (Food and Agricultural Business) programs with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students whose primary family occupation is farming. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Read Full Description for Award E3515

HD Mutual Insurance Agricultural Leadership Prize [C1392]

Value:2 awards of $2,500
Awarded:At summer convocation
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:April 1
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students who are graduating in June or have graduated in the previous winter or fall convocations from a degree program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College who have demonstrated a commitment to agriculture through work experience and extracurricular activities.

Read Full Description for Award C1392

James MacMillan Memorial Scholarship [E0494]

Value:1 award of $6,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering any program offered by OAC who graduated from an Associate Diploma program from the University of Guelph. Preference will be given to students from Eastern Ontario which includes the counties of Prescott and Russell, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Lanark, Renfrew, Leeds and Grenville, Frontenac and Lennox and Addington; and the City of Ottawa and to students entering the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture or the Bachelor of Commerce in Food and Agricultural Business, or the Bachelor of Arts with a major in Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (FARE).

Read Full Description for Award E0494

Jim Jackson College Royal Leadership Prize [I1162]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:At summer convocation
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:April 1st
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any degree program offered by the Ontario Agriculture College who have been actively involved with College Royal throughout their undergraduate degree.

Read Full Description for Award I1162

Joerg and Franzis Leiss Horticultural Scholarship [I0565]

Value:1 award of $2,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the B.Sc.(Agr) program with a major in Honours Agriculture, Crop, Horticulture and Turfgrass Sciences, or Horticulture, or the B.Sc.(Env.) program who have completed a minimum of 10.0 credits and have a minimum cumulative average of 75.0%

Read Full Description for Award I0565

John A. Archibald Memorial Scholarship [I0014]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in BBRM Environmental Management, B.Sc.(Env.) Ecology, B.Sc.(Env.) Environment & Resource Management, B.Sc. (Env.) Environmental Economics & Policy, B.Sc. (Env.) Environmental Science, B.Sc. (Agr.) Honours Agriculture, B.Sc. (Agr.) Crop, Horticulture and Turfgrass Sciences, B.Sc. (Agr.) Crop Science, B.Sc. (Agr.) Horticulture or, B.Sc. Plant Science who have demonstrated involvement in extracurricular activities and have completed a minimum of 8.0 credits and a maximum of 14.0 credits. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate an interest in soil or land science.

Read Full Description for Award I0014

John Deere Foundation of Canada Scholarship [I0516]

Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the BA program majoring in Food, Agricultural & Resource Economics, the B.Sc.(Agr.) program majoring in Crop Science, Honours Agriculture, or Horticulture, or the B.Comm. program majoring in Food and Agricultural Business who have completed a minimum of 12.0 credits.

Read Full Description for Award I0516

John F. Quinney Memorial Bursary [I3130]

Value:1 award of $2,500
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • In-Course Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc(Agr)) program in the OAC with demonstrated financial need.

Read Full Description for Award I3130

Keith Dixon Memorial Scholarship [I0593]

Value:1 award of $1,200
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the Bachelor of Science program, or the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College, who have demonstrated farming work experience. Preference will be given to students who anticipate a future career in farming.

Read Full Description for Award I0593

Linamar She's Got Game Scholarships [I1300]

Value:several awards of up to $4,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Apply By Letter
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Student-athletes registered full-time in the B.Comm, B.Eng, or B.Sc.(Agr) programs who have completed a maximum of 15.0 credits, are current members of a Gryphon Women’s team, and have achieved a minimum 70% average or equivalent during the previous academic year as a student-athlete.

Read Full Description for Award I1300

Lori Litherland Foundation Memorial Bursaries [E3117]

Value:2 awards of $2,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Entrance Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering any program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College with demonstrated financial need.

Read Full Description for Award E3117

Mary Jo Field/GrassRoots Growers Organic Agriculture Scholarship [I1181]

Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any program in the Ontario Agricultural College who volunteer at the Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming (GCUOF). Preference will be given to Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) students.

Read Full Description for Award I1181

McCracken Family Bursaries [E3580]

Value:5 awards of $4,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Entrance Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering any undergraduate degree program offered by OAC with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OTSS award (see General Statements on Awards).

Read Full Description for Award E3580

Morton Eddy Scholarship in Agriculture [I1320]

Value:1 award of $3,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
  • Reference Letter
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in a degree program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College who are involved in supporting health and wellness through initiatives or services on campus and/or in the community.

Read Full Description for Award I1320

Nestle Canada Scholarship in Agriculture and Food [I1165]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College. Preference is given to students pursuing entrepreneurial activities in the agricultural and food industry.

Read Full Description for Award I1165

Norman McCollum Dairy Scholarship [I0815]

Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the B.Sc. (Agr) program, the B.Sc. Animal Biology major, or the B.Comm. Food and Agricultural Business major who have completed 10.0 credits and have declared an intent to return to the family dairy farm or purse a career in the dairy industry.

Read Full Description for Award I0815

OAC 1973 Scholarship [I1155]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Student registered in the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program who have completed a minimum of 10.0 credits.

Read Full Description for Award I1155

OAC 51 Leadership Scholarship [E0930]

Value:5 awards of $4,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College.

Read Full Description for Award E0930

OAC 90 & 91 Memorial Scholarship [I1288]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the Bachelor of Commerce program majoring in Food & Agricultural Business, or the Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) program who have demonstrated leadership in the Ontario Agricultural College and/or community activities.

Read Full Description for Award I1288

OAC ’49 Bachelor of BioResource Management – Environmental Entrance Scholarship [E0585]

Value:2 awards of $3,250
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering the Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management (BBRM) program majoring in Environmental Management with a minimum 75% admission average who have demonstrated extracurricular volunteer experience in the environmental or agriculture and food industries.

Read Full Description for Award E0585

Ontario Federation of Agriculture Bursaries [I3520]

Value:Several awards of varying amounts
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

O.A.C. students registered in the B.Sc.(Agr.), B.Comm., B.Sc. or B.Sc.(Env.) programs with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students from farm families who have participated in 4H and/or rural community activities. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Read Full Description for Award I3520

Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Convention Scholarship [I1323]

Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program with a major in: Crop, Horticulture and Turfgrass; Crop Science; Horticulture; or Honours Agriculture or in the Bachelor of Science program with a major in Plant Science who have completed a minimum of 8.0 credits.

Read Full Description for Award I1323

Ottawa Valley Agri Business Association Scholarship [I0858]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15th
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

OAC students who: 1. Are registered in the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; the Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Food and Agricultural Business; or the Bachelor of Science with a major in Animal Biology programs; 2. Have completed 4.0 to 15.0 credits and who have demonstrated involvement in extracurricular activities as well as academic interest and achievement in animal science, crop production, soil science or agricultural economics; 3. Are from Eastern Ontario (Ottawa-Carleton, Dundas-Glengarry-Stormont, Lanark, Prescott-Russell, Leeds & Grenville, Lennox & Addington, Frontenac and Renfrew counties).

Read Full Description for Award I0858

Peter Lindley Memorial Leadership Horticulture Scholarship [I1197]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any program offered by OAC with demonstrated interest in horticulture as evidenced by work experience, involvement, and/or extracurricular activities.

Read Full Description for Award I1197

R.W. (Bob) Pawley Scholarship [I0231]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Student registered in the B.Sc.(Agr.) program with at least 10.0 credits completed and who demonstrates active participation or involvement in production agriculture.

Read Full Description for Award I0231

Real Ontario Farm Insurance Bursary [E3104]

Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Entrance Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program in OAC or the Bachelor of Commerce program with a major in Food and Agricultural Business with demonstrated financial need.

Read Full Description for Award E3104

Robb Travel Grants [T3028]

Value:Several awards of various amounts
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive, In the summer and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:: March 15th (Travel occurring between May 1st and August 31st)/ July 15th (Travel occurring between September 1st and December 31st)/November 15th (Travel occurring between January 1st and April 30th)
  • Canadian-PR-PP

O.A.C. students who are attending another university on a Letter of Permission.

Read Full Description for Award T3028

Robert C. Skipper Scholarship [E0485]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering a degree program in O.A.C that have graduated with a Diploma in Agriculture or Horticulture from the University of Guelph's Ridgetown campus.

Read Full Description for Award E0485

Robert, Louis and Helen Shaw Memorial Degree Scholarships [I4520]

Value:Several awards of varying amounts
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • In-Course Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the BSc(Agr), BLA, BSc with a major in Plant Agriculture or BBRM.EQM programs with demonstrated financial need, and a 70% cumulative average Preference will be given first to first year students from Peterborough County and then to students from Peterborough County. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Read Full Description for Award I4520

Rosemont Scholarship in Food Sustainability [C1082]

Value:1 award of $4,200
Awarded:In the summer and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students graduating from a program offered by OAC who completed AGR*4600 Agriculture and Food Issues Problem Solving.

Read Full Description for Award C1082

SFOAC Leadership Travel Grant [T1202]

Value:several awards of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:March 15th (Travel occurring between May 1st and August 31st)/ July 15th (Travel occurring between September 1st and December 31st)/November 15th (Travel occurring between January 1st and April 30th)
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College who will be travelling or participating in a conference, meeting, seminar, field trip, trade show, or professional development program to support their knowledge of agriculture and development of leadership skills.

Read Full Description for Award T1202

Shur-Gain, Trouw Nutrition Canada Scholarship [I0307]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in the Animal Science major of the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program, or the Animal Biology major of the Bachelor of Science program who have completed between 8.0 and 11.0 credits and who have demonstrated leadership.

Read Full Description for Award I0307

Sylvite Entrance Scholarship [E1393]

Value:1 award of $1,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College.

Read Full Description for Award E1393

T.K. Warley Agrifood Policy Prize [I0212]

Value:1 award of $500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • No Application Required
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Student providing the best term paper written on a public policy issue relating to the agrifood system or rural society in courses such as AGEC*3030 Price and Production Analysis, AGEC*4000 Agricultural and Food Policy, and AGEC*4720 Special Study in Food Agriculture and Resource Economics.

Read Full Description for Award I0212

T.K. Warley Bursaries [I3510]

Value:Several awards of varying amounts
Awarded:In the winter and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:October 7
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in semester 5 to 8 of any degree program within O.A.C who have participated in student activities, governance and/or college affairs, with a minimum cumulative average of 65% and who demonstrate financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Read Full Description for Award I3510

Thomas J. Eddy Scholarship in Agriculture [I1319]

Value:1 award of $3,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in a degree program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College who have participated in organizations or student clubs on campus and/or in the community that provide resources, support, and social opportunities for equity seeking groups. Preference will be given to students who have participated in a student club or organization on campus and/or in the community that provide resources, support, and social opportunities for LGBTQ2SIA+ students such as Guelph Queer Equality, Guelph Resource Centre for Gender Empowerment and Diversity, OUTline, Queer and Trans People of Colour Guelph, Queer Christian Community, etc.

Read Full Description for Award I1319

Tilecroft Farms Women in Agriculture Scholarship [I1178]

Value:1 award of $1,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Students registered in any degree program offered by the OAC who have completed a minimum of 5.0 credits and have demonstrated leadership in agriculture as evidenced by involvement in the Women in Agriculture club or have participated in the Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference. Preference will be given to students from Eastern Ontario including the counties of Leeds, Grenville, Renfrew, Lanark, Ottawa-Carleton, Russell, Prescott, Glengarry, Stormont and Dundas.

Read Full Description for Award I1178

Varley and Lyon Exchange Scholarships [T0298]

Value:several awards up to $5,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
Deadline:March 15th (Travel occurring between May 1st and August 31st)/ July 15th (Travel occurring between September 1st and December 31st)/November 15th (Travel occurring between January 1st and April 30th)
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

O.A.C. students registered in the Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science (B.Sc. (Agr.)) or the Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Food and Agricultural Business (B.Comm. FAB) who are pursuing a course of study for one or two semesters at another college or faculty of agriculture in Canada or in another country.

Read Full Description for Award T0298

William Guy Walton Scholarship [E0671]

Value:1 award of $5,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Entrance Financial Need Assessment Form
Deadline:April 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Students entering any program offered by the Ontario Agriculture College. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need who are from Scarborough, Ontario.

Read Full Description for Award E0671