AODA Resources

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) is to ensure that all Ontarians have fair and equitable access to programs and services and to improve opportunities for persons with disabilities.

An Educator's Introduction to the AODA is a video made by the Counsel of Ontario Universities to introduce educators to the AODA. is an accessibility resources website set up by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU). We encourage you to review their fact sheets on AODA and the resources for administrators and educators.

Administrator's Accessibility Tool Kit contains training resources, adaptable templates, sample best practices, and suggested approaches for meeting compliance requirements under the AODA and its five accessibility standards: information and communications; employment; transportation; customer service; and the design of public spaces.

Educator's Took Kit contains resources designed to help Ontario universities meet their obligations under Section 16 of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA): Training to Educators, as well as provide broad support to educators in creating accessible learning environments for students.