Displaying Results: [1571 - 1580] of 2045

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Release of the Mitacs Research Security Plan

Mitacs is pleased to confirm the release of the Mitacs Research Security Plan. The plan is now available on Mitacs' website at: Research Security | Mitacs 

Given the ever-evolving nature of the research security backdrop, it is...

1 year 9 months ago Research Policies and Guidelines
Reminder: Certifications required for Tri-Agency awards

The Office of Research Services (ORS) would like to remind researchers of certification requirements for new and ongoing awards. In particular, certification requirements for any research project involving animals, biohazards or human participants.

Upon release of the...

7 years 11 months ago Research Policies and Guidelines
Reminder: Complete the EthOS Pulse Survey

Reminder: Please complete the EthOS Adoption Survey by end of day December 6, 2024. 

2 months 2 weeks ago Research Management and Support
Reminder: Tri-Agency rules around new or emerging certification needs

To remain eligible to receive Tri-Agency funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the University of Guelph must ensure all applicable certifications for the use of...

7 years 4 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Reminder: U of G research travel restrictions


As a reminder to the research community, and as outlined in the Research Phase-In Framework, travel to off-campus research sites, including sites...

4 years 6 months ago Research Management and Support
Reminder: Virtual Animal Tribute Event June 16th

The Virtual Animal Tribute Event is next week!  Come join us on June 16, 2021, from 10:30-11:30am.

To make this a successful event, we invite you to still do the following three things (if you haven't already): 

  1. Register: Please...
3 years 8 months ago Workshops and Events
Request for Applications: CANSSI Ontario Postdoctoral Fellowship in Genome Data Science - Ontario Genomics

The CANSSI Ontario Postdoctoral Fellowship will support the work of early-career investigators pursuing research in the areas of statistical genetics, environmental genetics or the economics and impacts of genomic technologies in a climate-changing world. The Fellowship offers two-year salary...

1 year 7 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Request for Feedback on the New Frontiers in Research Transformation stream framework

Research is increasingly multidisciplinary and international—it’s fast-paced and often high risk, high reward. As research changes, the government must also change how to support and consult with researchers.

The Honourable...

5 years 7 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Request for Proposals: National Fire Information Database research

The Council of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners and the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs are pleased to announce that funding is available for research projects using the newly formed National Fire Information Database to study patterns of fire incidents in Canada.
Areas of...

8 years 4 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Rescheduled: Skills for Research Impact, KTT Strategies and Dissemination

This is a rescheduled session from November 7th. 


Skills for Research Impact is a workshop series, spanning the fall and winter semesters, for University of Guelph faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research. Through...

1 year 3 months ago Workshops and Events