CleanGrapes: Mass production of grape vine in vitro

Lead Applicant: Praveen Saxena

Research Priority: Competitive Production Systems 

Program Type: Gryphon's LAAIR

Funding Cycle: 2022/2023

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: The study aims to scale up the propagation of grape cultivars through advanced micropropagation technology using novel bioreactors and optimized growth environments in newly designed smart culture vessels. These plants, referred to as “CleanGrapes”, can fulfil the growing demand of preferred cultivars for Ontario vineyards. The commercial production of "CleanGrapes" and their quality assessment will be accomplished in a commercial tissue culture lab and in the field in collaboration with a certified propagator (Upper Canada Growers Inc.). Grape propagation through in vitro technology will facilitate the delivery of clean plants adapted to Ontario's climate with significant benefits to Ontario's agriculture industry and economy.