Knowledge Translation and Transfer Services and Resources

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance is committed to “getting science off the shelf” by working with the wider agri-food, rural and Indigenous communities. Knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) is an information exchange process described as the transformation of knowledge into use through synthesis, exchange, engagement, dissemination, dialogue, collaboration and brokering among researchers and research users.

Other terms used to describe this process are knowledge translation (KT) and knowledge mobilization (KMb).

While KTT is a growing field, the concept of taking scientific information and technology into the agri-food community has a long history of success in Ontario. Agricultural extension has played an important role in facilitating the development of a successful, innovative agri-food industry in the province.

To ensure scientific information and technology reaches end users, KTT experts in the Office of Research, Agri-Food Partnership and at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness work together to provide tailored KTT services to help U of G researchers/faculty, staff and students develop KTT plans to support their Research Program projects, which must include a KTT plan.

KTT Funding Program

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Funding Program is designed to enhance the impact of research through three distinct funding streams:

  1. KTT Research (KTT-R) Funding supports research projects that advance the science of knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) in agri-food and rural sectors. Funding in this stream is available through a call for proposals process every two years.
  2. KTT Mobilization (KTT-M) Funding supports activities that disseminate research findings or engage audiences in research. Funding in this stream is available through a call for proposals process every year.
  3. KTT Initiatives (KTT-I) funding is a smaller grant that provides up to $5,000 for a product or strategy that translates and transfers research that benefits Ontario’s agri-food sector or rural communities. Funding is available on an ongoing basis.

KTT Services

Contact to access these services.

For researchers: One-on-one consultations

  • We will help you prepare your KTT plans for Tier I Research and KTT Research Funding Programs and provide consultation for questions regarding the implementation of your plans.

For faculty, staff and students: Training workshops for KTT and communications

  • We partner with the Research Innovation Office (RIO) to deliver the Skills for Research Impact series, which includes five core workshops..
  • We also offer customized training and workshops to meet the needs of various university departments and research groups. Connect with KTT staff to learn more.

Graduate Student Forum support

The Alliance supports the delivery of department-led graduate student symposiums related to agriculture, food, and rural research as part of its commitment to KTT.

Working with Indigenous communities 

If you are working with Indigenous communities and are looking for additional support or advice please contact Joanne Garcia-Moores, Indigenization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Research Advisor at

The Alliance has supported KTT in agri-food and rural research and enhanced KTT science since 2010. We have put together a variety of resources to help researchers maximize the impact of their work.

Front cover of the KTT Appraisal Tool document

KTT Plan Appraisal Tool

This tool is a decision aid / rubric to help reviewers appraise and assess KTT Plans in the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance’s research project proposals.

Cover of Growing KTT in Ontario manual

Growing KTT in Ontario

To help researchers maximize the impact of their work, we have put together this guide of best practices based on research supported by the Alliance. It will guide you through the development of a KTT plan.

KTT case study cover

KTT Case Studies

A series of case studies showcasing the impact of KTT in the agri-food sector and rural communities.

Cover of KTT example plans

Example KTT Plans

Six examples of completed KTT plans that use the Alliance Funding Program KTT template. These plans were developed using the best practices outlined in the Growing KTT in Ontario manual and highlight five areas of focus along the research and innovation continuum including: Discovery, policy, applied research, pilot testing, and scale-up.

Cover of KTT Plan checklist

KTT Plan Checklist (2019)

A practical tool based on the Alliance KTT plan template. These guidelines, prepared by Alliance funding program reviewers, ensure your proposal covers key aspects of KTT planning.

Cover of KTT Plan Evaluation Tips

KTT Plan Evaluation Tips (2019)

Practical tips and tools to help ensure your KTT efforts are effective and efficient to get the research impact you want.

KTT practitioners in different fields, from medicine to agriculture, and business to public policy, share a commitment to accelerating the movement of evidence into practice and integrating end-users into the research process.

Waterloo and Willington regions have a KMb Community for students and KTT professionals to collaborate, share best practices and develop new skills. This informal group is committed to bridging the gap between best available KTT evidence and practice. We focus on collaborating to create a strong community and advance research in KTT.

Members of the Waterloo Wellington KMb Community include the University of Guelph; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; Gambling Research Exchange Ontario, Public Health Agency of Canada; and the Canadian Water Network.

Interested in joining? Email