Post Landfill Action Network Report

A Pathway to Zero Waste for the University of Guelph

In Fall 2022, the University of Guelph worked with the Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) to support two Zero Waste Fellows, Youstina Makhlouf (DVM) ‘25, and Sarah Kurtz ‘23, to conduct a holistic assessment of the campus’ waste management system. Youstina and Sarah used PLAN’s Atlas Zero Waste Program, a program designed to help campuses assess and streamline campus systems for materials management, to collect the information used to inform this report. This report offers a snapshot of existing policy, programs, and infrastructure, illustrates ideal material flows throughout a campus, and proposes a few broad recommendations to fill the gaps identified during the assessment.

The full report is accessible at the bottom of this page. This preliminary analysis will guide future waste reduction programming at the Sustainability Office.