Working Groups
Working Groups
We've co-created working groups to collaborate on improving sustainability on the UofG campus. Working groups are a platform for UofG community members (students, staff, and faculty) to come together around specific issues of interest.
Why Working Groups?
These working groups aim to increase communication and collaboration across campus by creating opportunities for storytelling, discussion and action through monthly meetings.
Interdisciplinary collaboration is crucial for improving environmental, social and economic sustainability. These working groups leverage shared knowledge, skills and resources and foster innovation and a sense of community around our shared responsibility to take action.
The Food Security Projects Working Group (FSPWG), co-hosted by the Sustainability Office, is an interdisciplinary group of students, staff and faculty focused on improving student food security at the University of Guelph.
Working Group Projects include:
- UofG Food Market
- UofG Food Hub
- Community Events
The Food Security Working Group meets monthly on the last Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Meetings are held virtually on Teams.
To join the FSWG, please email Samantha at with a short expression of interest (why you're interested in joining the working group).
The Student Action Working Group (SAWG), hosted by the Sustainability Office, is an interdisciplinary group focused on creating a space for students across campus to come together to take collective action and share ideas, insights and resources.
Student leaders from Engineers inspired the creation of this working group For A Sustainable World (ESW) and the Environmental Governance Society (EGOV).
SAWG meetings are held virtually on Teams on the last Monday of each month at 5:30 pm.
To join, email Samantha at Please indicate if you're joining as an individual or on behalf of a student-led organization or initiative.
The Biodiversity Working Group (BWG), hosted by the Sustainability Office, is an interdisciplinary group of students, staff and faculty focused on biological diversity. The group is focused on celebrating, enhancing and protecting the biological diversity on the University of Guelph campus.
Working Group Initiatives include:
- UofG Seed Orchard—A densely planted native plant garden that will supply seeds for our UofG Seed Library.
- UofG Seed Library - A campus community resource providing free seeds to anyone who wants to grow them.
- UofG Biodiversity Inventory - A student-led initiative that explores the biological diversity on our University of Guelph campus.
- International Pollinator Week (Monday, June 25th to Friday, June 29th) - A week focused on teaching the campus community about the importance of pollinators, pollination and habitat.
- International Monarch Monitoring Blitz: A BioBlitz on the University of Guelph campus, where volunteers collect data on monarch observations to help scientists across North America better understand the monarch butterfly's breeding productivity, range, and timing in North America.
The Biodiversity Working Group meets monthly on the last Thursday from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Meetings are held virtually on Teams.
To join the BWG, please email Samantha at with a short expression of interest (why you're interested in joining the working group).