News related to engineering

Photo of Sheng Chang's Research

Microplastics: The Unseen Scourge

Unraveling the plastic threat hidden in our waters, Dr. Chang’s team has revolutionized the way we isolate, identify, and combat microplastic pollution.

Dr. A. Elsayed, S. Abner, Dr. E. Mena-Morcillo, and Dr. A. Chen pose in lab coats in a lab

Fighting Climate Change: Researchers Develop an Efficient Catalyst for CO2 Reduction

Global climate change is a hot topic in today's world, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless when we hear about its devastating effects. However, there is hope! Researchers from the University of Guelph, including Dr. Aicheng Chen, from the Chemistry Department, and Dr. Abdallah Elsayed, from the School of Engineering, have developed an innovative solution to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and combat climate change.

A greenhouse growing tomatoes

Helping the Greenhouse industry reuse and repurpose their waste

Greenhouses offer a 365 day a year growing cycle, increasing our food security and access to fresh produce year-round. Growing efforts by the industry are resulting in more sustainable production practices, including reducing energy and water use, and finding alternatives to plastic packaging.

Headshot of Dr. Richard Zytner

Students and attendees presenting in large atrium

Guelph Food Engineering Conference

U of G students excel in creating novel food engineering solutions.

On April 10, 2023, the inaugural Guelph Food Engineering Conference was held in Adams Atrium at the School of Engineering. Led by Dr. Manick Annamalai, the day represented the significant growth of interest and research into Food Engineering.

Several spectators gather and watch presentations during engineering design day.

Engineering Design Day 2023

On Thursday, April 6th, engineering students gathered in the Thornbrough building for the School of Engineering’s biggest annual event: Engineering Design Day. This year, family, friends, faculty, staff, alumni, and industry professionals got to see the accomplishments of the U of G’s engineering students from all 7 disciplines. The School of Engineering is proud to have made design the foundation of their studies, allowing U of G Engineers to create and design solutions that Improve Life

Top down viiew Greenhouses at night

Dr. David Lubitz's Research Improves Energy Efficiency in Greenhouse Industry

In Essex County, Ont., the nighttime sky glows orange and greenhouses dominate the landscape. It’s the result of the rapidly growing greenhouse industry in Ontario, one that took up almost 1,800 hectares of land and paid close to $194 million for energy in 2021, according to Statistics Canada.

But in Essex County, a hotspot for greenhouse-grown fruits, vegetables and flowers, energy is still in short supply.

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