About this Person

About this Person

B.A.S. (Molecular Biology and Genetics / Ethics for Life Science)

Alyssa graduated from University of Guelph having engaged in course-integrated experiential learning in the curriculum. Outside the classroom, she worked for Student Housing Services, the work study program and held an undergraduate research assistant position. 

Alyssa graduated from the University of Guelph having studied Molecular Biology and Genetics, and Ethics for Life Sciences. She pursued experiential learning (EL) in the curriculum by taking on independent study courses that allowed her to focus her studied on her specific interests. 

"These opportunities taught me professionalism. They opened my eyes up to career opportunities, and allowed me to see what was out there."

Alyssa found that she had time outside of class hours that she wanted to spend getting more involved on campus. She worked for the work study program, and for Student Housing Services while she completed her studies. She says, "These opportunities taught me professionalism. They opened my eyes up to career opportunities, and allowed me to see what was out there...they also allowed me to make money while I was at school". Through these opportunities Alyssa was able to develop her professional skills and expand her professional network, which led her to making connections with new friends, mentors, and professionals in the field. 

EL was also a way for Alyssa to expand her horizons. It helped develop her personal interests outside of her studies and allowed her to act as a mentor for other students because of her deeper engagement with the University. 

"After graduation I will be pursuing a career in the same field as my work study and URA positions were in and I never thought I'd end up in this field 4 years ago."

In addition to working while studying, Alyssa held an undergraduate research assistant position for a summer. She found that this opportunity, along with others, helped solidify the direction for her career path. "After graduation I will be pursuing a career in the same field as my work study and URA positions were in and I never thought I'd end up in this field 4 years ago," she shares. 

Alyssa shares that everything she got involved in was worth her time because it led her to developing the skills, abilities and experience needed to pursue a career in her chosen field. 

Experience Profiles

  • My Kidson

    Mya is a second year student that is engaging in her first experiential opportunity at U of G through the SPARK Internship program, in 2019.

  • Sharon recently finished her degree in European Studies. She was engaged in applied research, community engaged learning courses and did a practicum in Europe. Additionally, Sharon also worked on campus as a student staff.