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February 2024

Graduate Seminar - Avalene Kong

Topic: The screening and development of antimicrobial compounds against Clostridium perfringens, the causative agent of necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens

Graduate Seminar - Lauryn Warywoda

Topic: Investigating the putative interaction between FtsKN and peptidoglycan remodeling proteins DacC and MltA

CBS Majors Showcase

ADA Office personnel, Program Counsellors, CBS Student Council reps and reps from our academic units will offer short presentations on the majors - the differences between them, required courses, switching majors, future careers, etc. Students will then be encouraged to participate in table discussions.

MCB Seminar - Dr. Patrick LaJoie

Topic: Genomic approaches to antifungal drug resistance and pathogenicity in Candida albicans