Research Services Office

General Inquiries

For general inquiries, please contact: Patti Minakis.

Or, contact one of our individual units:

Animal Care Services - For submitting Animal Utilization Protocols (AUPs) and amendments to the Animal Care Committee (ACC); general inquiries and administrative matters related to AUP development, submission and review.

Research Ethics -  For general and compliance questions.

Research Support Services - For inquiries about grants or contracts or to submit an OR5 form.

Strategic Programs and Infrastructure Grants - For matters relating to sponsors such as Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE), Canada Research Chairs (CRC).

Our People

photograph of Laura Beaupre

Laura Beaupre

Director, Research Analysis and Reporting
Research Analysis and Reporting
University Centre, Room 437

Leads development of systems to evaluate and report on all aspects of the University’s research performance by collecting, synthesizing, curating, and conducting analysis of research performance data from internal and external sources. Provides intelligence on research performance within the University. Oversees analytics process of the research enterprise.