Centres, Institutes, and Groups

The University of Guelph's Policy and Procedures on Research Centres and Institutes, and Scholarly Chairs outlines the process for establishing a centre or institute, governance expectations and reporting requirements. The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat.

Soils at Guelph

Soils at Guelph is an effort to increase awareness of research initiatives, facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders, and to educate on the importance of soil health.

Plants with Novel Trait Confinement Facility (formerly the Guelph Transgenic Plants Complex)

Dedicated to conducting transgenic research involving various crop species.

Logo for Organization and Management Solutions Organization and Management Solutions

Specialists in the theory, research and practices of applied psychology use the latest knowledge to provide practical solutions in human resources management.

Ontario Veterinary College - Health Sciences Centre

Provides clinical training of undergraduate DVM students and graduate students as well as essential services to veterinarians and animals owners in Ontario.

logotext for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre

Brings together extensive expertise in materials research spanning 19 different research groups that address a wide range of research into the structure-function relationships on different scales of foods, polymers and biopolymers and biological membranes.