Titlesort ascending
Landscape Architecture Community Outreach Centre

Offers design assistance directly to communities, organizations, and individuals with the goal of simulating creative and innovative approaches to solving design problems.

group photo of Human Nutraceutical Research Unit members Human Nutraceutical Research Unit

A research and educational unit that conducts human studies of foods and natural health products with external groups on a contract and collaborative basis.

Logo for Hagen Aqualab Hagen Aqualab

Provides state-of-the-art facilities for a broad range of aquatic research programs with practical applications in areas of aquaculture, ecological conservation, toxicology, physiology and evolutionary biology.

Centre for Food and Soft Materials Science

Researchers develop and study soft materials such as food, polymers, biological membranes and proteins that are of critical importance to many industrial sectors.

Logo for Canadian Co-operative Wildlife Health Centre Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)

The Ontario/Nunavut regional centre of the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative is located within the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph. The team, which is made up of faculty members, pathologists, technical and administrative staff, provides expertise in wildlife disease diagnostics, contributes to Canada's national wildlife health surveillance program, provides educational programs, information, and consultation to government and non-government agencies, and participates in research and wildlife health management activities.