Centres, Institutes, and Groups

The University of Guelph's Policy and Procedures on Research Centres and Institutes, and Scholarly Chairs outlines the process for establishing a centre or institute, governance expectations and reporting requirements. The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat.

  • Centres and Institutes
  • Groups
aquaculture centre banner Aquaculture Centre

Co-ordinates research, extension and educational activities to facilitate information and technology transfer to the private sector and contribute to the economic and environmental sustainability of aquaculture.

Microscopy image taken by M. Strueder-kypke Advanced Analysis Centre

Provides services such as data acquisition, data interpretation and training opportunities for all members of the scientific community.

An integral part of the U of G research infrastructure, the AAC is a centralized research support facility comprised of specialized high-end laboratories (NMR, molecular and cellular imaging, mass spectrometry, phytotron and genomics).