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Gordon S. LANG School of Business and Economics - John F. Wood Centre for Business and Student Enterprise John F. Wood Centre for Business and Student Enterprise

Aims to empower the next generation of business leaders committed to community engagement and a sustainable future.

The Centre acts as a “one-stop-shop” for innovative curricular programming, provides support for interdisciplinary and intercollegiate collaboration, develops the next generation of entrepreneurs and further enhances the entrepreneurial ecosystem on the University of Guelph campus.

International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation (IICSI)

Creates positive social change through the confluence of improvisational arts, innovative scholarship, and collaborative action.

IICSI is a multi-locale partnered research institute funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The Institute is hosted at the University of Guelph, with sites at McGill University; Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN); University of British Columbia; University of Regina’ Carleton University; 17, Institute of Critical Studies (Mexico City); and Queen’s University Belfast.

IICSI seeks to contribute to interdisciplinary research and graduate training in the emerging field of improvisation studies.

Institute for Sustainable Commerce at Guelph

Supports and advances research and curriculum innovations related to business sustainability, corporate social responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) research through a coalition of experts in the field.

The Institute acts as a hub for the generation of new research and dissemination of knowledge while being collaborative and inclusive, increasing business sustainability-related curricular and co-curricular content and activities, and enhancing local and global community outreach engagement.

Institute for Comparative Cancer Investigation (ICCI)

Facilitates translational oncology research in companion animals at the OVC Mona Campbell Centre for Animal Cancer by managing clinical trials and the Companion Animal Tumour Sample Bank (CATSB). Our goals: to advance the understanding of cancer and improve treatment options to benefit both companion animal and human cancer patients.

Tumor Bank: mailto:tumbank@uoguelph.ca

Clinical Trials: mailto:clinical.research@uoguelph.ca

Logo for the Honey Bee Research Centre, featuring the illustration of a bee in a honeycomb cell Honey Bee Research Centre

Uniquely qualified to investigate declining populations of honey bees and to provide solutions. Expertise also includes honey bee breeding and genetics.