Centres, Institutes, and Groups

The University of Guelph's Policy and Procedures on Research Centres and Institutes, and Scholarly Chairs outlines the process for establishing a centre or institute, governance expectations and reporting requirements. The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat.

  • Centres and Institutes
  • Groups
Gosling Research Institute for Plant Preservation (GRIPP)

Focuses on developing international, interdisciplinary research and educational programs for the conservation of endangered plant species through conventional and biotechnology-based strategies.

Guelph Food Innovation Centre (GFIC)

Utilizes food science and technology to advance agrifood businesses.

An applied research centre for food research and development, we facilitate knowledge transfer from academia to industry to transform challenges into practical solutions.

With our affiliation with a world-renowned food research university, we provide an unmatched perspective and approach to food product and process development. Our team of experts take advantage of this wealth of knowledge to provide innovative, consumer-centric solutions in alignment with safety, market, and industry standards.

Guelph Institute for Environmental Research (GIER)

Tackles the world’s environmental problems through innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. GIER will build on the University’s expertise in the environment and sustainability by bringing together researchers from diverse fields. 

Guelph Institute of Development Studies (GIDS)

Brings together expertise and resources from across the University of Guelph to explore international development and development in Canada. Through education, research and analysis, passionate students and faculty pursue positive, inclusive change in the world – and social justice for all.

Aerial view of Guelph Turfgrass Institute Guelph Turfgrass Institute (GTI)

Conducts research and provides information and education on turfgrass production and management, urban horticulture and environmental research to the Ontario turfgrass and landscape industries as well as the Ontario Public. Professional consulting services are provided through the GTI Solutions Group and turfgrass, insect, disease and weed identification is provided by the GTI Diagnostics Lab.