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Week of November 28, 2021

A hand drawn lightbulb with Skills for Research Impact wrapped around it and a title reading Evaluating KTT

Skills for Research Impact Series: Evaluating KTT Activities

When all is said and done, how do you know it worked? Go beyond the anecdote and learn to use evaluation techniques to assess the impact of your knowledge mobilization efforts. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
College of 14 headshots of HQP scholars with the text "Introducing Highly Qualified Personnel 2021/22 Scholars" and a banner at the bottom of the logos for University of Guelph, Canada First Research Excellence Fund and the Government of Ontario.

Cultivating Business, Innovation, & Leadership in Agri-food Research: A virtual event to recognize HQP Scholars

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance has partnered with Food from Thought, funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) program, to support the Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Scholarship Program. The partnership will host a recognition event on December 2, 2021, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.: Cultivating Business, Innovation, & Leadership in Agri-food Research: A virtual event to recognize HQP Scholars.