Ontario agro-residues and automotive paint waste hybrid in engineered light-weight biocomposites for electric vehicle parts

Lead Applicant: Manjusri Misra

Research Priority: Trade, Market & Targeted Sector Growth Opportunities

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2023/2024

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: Ontario will be the hub of future electric vehicles (EV) manufacturing. Each EV is heavier by ~1,000 pounds over its petroleum-fed counterpart. This increases fatality risk by 40-50% accidents. Light-weighting and fire safety are the key challenges that need innovative material solutions. Ontario agro-residues (wheat straw, corn stover and hemp stalk) and automotive paint waste (APW) will be used to prepare hybrid biocarbon for lightweight auto-parts. Harvestable crop residues produced in Ontario are 3.12 million tonnes per year. APW constitutes 57.6% of the environmental costs of hazardous waste management. The use of agro-residues, APW, recycled engineering plastics and halogen-free bio-flame-retardant in the first-ever composite EV components breaks new ground in circularity and sustainability for commercialization with active participation from Ford and Magna. The work will provide the Ontario agri-food sector with new market opportunities. The project's outcomes are estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emission potential by 35.7 kg CO2 eq./vehicle from light-weighting.