Establishing an Ontario food panel: Tracking public attitudes and behaviour post-COVID-19

Lead Applicant: Spencer Henson

Research Priority: Trade, Market & Targeted Sector Growth Opportunities

Program Type: Special Initiatives Projects

Funding Cycle: 2021/2022

Research Centre: N/A

Research Summary: Considerable resources are devoted by policy and business decision-makers to gather quantitative data on socio-economic factors, public attitudes, and behaviour towards food products. Such data is needed, for example, to understand the propensity of consumers to buy local foods and/or the factors that are motivating the increased consumption of plant-based substitutes to meat. Similarly, to assess the food security problems faced by low-income consumers and/or the impacts of COVID-19 on food purchase behaviour. This project will establish and maintain a longitudinal panel for the analysis of attitudes and behaviour related to food products in Ontario and initially apply this panel to an analysis of consumer behaviour with respect to food beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and local food. Specifically, the project will involve the recruitment of panel participants and a series of surveys over time that focus on food-related behaviour, and beliefs and attitudes towards food.