Understanding Salmonella Dublin transmission on Ontario dairy and veal farms

Lead Applicant: David Renaud

Research Priority: Animal Health & Welfare

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2023/2024

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: Salmonella Dublin is a concerning issue for the cattle industries in Canada. Recent research has demonstrated its presence on 7% of Ontario dairy farms and in a small study, on 50% of Ontario veal farms. Due to the high rates of morbidity and mortality observed in calves, the level of resistance to antimicrobials, and the zoonotic nature of this pathogen, there is a need to address Salmonella Dublin. This project seeks to further understand the transmission of this pathogen within dairy and veal farms in order to create better recommendations for its control. Specifically, intensive sampling will be conducted on farms infected with Salmonella Dublin with mathematical modelling used to better characterize its spread. With this knowledge, veterinarians, advisors, and farmers will be able to create improved management plans to reduce the spread of this disease. We will also explore economical testing methods to identify the presence of this pathogen.