Valorization of Ontario agro-waste and recycled vegetable oil into green flame-retardant materials for sustainable electronic applications

Lead Applicant: Amar Mohanty

Research Priority: Competitive Production Systems

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2023/2024

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: Green and sustainable materials, in conjunction with a circular economy for electronics, is an urgent requirement in the context of endangered greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with more than 50 million tons of e-waste entering landfills annually. The growing electronics industry has a market value exceeding $500 billion annually and is transitioning towards biobased and halogen-free flame-proof composite alternatives. The applicant’s patented technology (US9920198B2) of sustainable bio-polycarbonate (PC) (having 25% less GHG emissions over traditional PC/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) electronic materials) will be further researched in this new project to make the final product flame-proof with newly researched green flame retardant from Ontario agro-residues and recycled oils. Unlike glass fibre, the sustainable filler from pyrolyzed switchgrass, Miscanthus and food wastes will integrate into newly engineered Bio-PC and green flame retardant in discovering 100% flame retardant sustainable composites. The targeted electronic applications are electronic circuit boards and consumer electronic devices.