Exploring adoption of best management practices for health and welfare by Ontario cow-calf producers
Lead Applicant: Charlotte Winder
Research Priority: Animal Health & Welfare
Program Type: Tier 1
Funding Cycle: 2023/2024
Research Centre: NA
Research Summary: This project aims to better understand Ontario cow-calf producers’ current compliance with, and barriers and motivations related to, adoption of Best Management Practices (BMPs), as identified in the Code of Practice, surrounding calf management - including vaccinations, weaning practices, timing of procedures such as castration/dehorning, euthanasia, pain mitigation, and assessment of fitness for transport. These areas impact performance, health, and welfare, but uptake of BMPs among North American producers varies. This project will identify gaps between current practices and BMPs, and explore producers’ perceived barriers and motivators. This will inform industry extension specialists and veterinarians on how to support producers in improving calf health, therefore, requiring less pharmaceutical interventions, improving calf welfare, and improving marketability of Ontario beef as meeting or exceeding standards outlined in the Beef Code of Practice.