Regional approach to advance integrated management tools to minimize disease loss from tar spot on corn

Lead Applicant: David Hooker

Research Priority: Plant Health & Protection

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2023/2024

Research Centre: Ontario Crops Research Centre - Ridgetown

Research Summary: Tar spot of corn is an emerging disease that has become an annual issue in the U.S. and now in Ontario. Environmental conditions in Ontario during the 2021 growing season were ideal for tar spot, which resulted in many fields at epidemic severity across southwestern Ontario, with losses of 10 to 40+ bu/ac. Currently, there is limited long-term research-based information for disease management of tar spot in the Midwest and Ontario. The proposed project will help to fill this gap and provide a long-term IPM approach for sustainable/profitable corn production. In addition, this project aims to utilize new advisory technology (Tarspotter app) and to identify effective, affordable, and environmentally sound strategies to maintain agricultural productivity and healthy communities.