Digital soil mapping for site-specific analysis of plant growth regulator in wheat

Lead Applicant: John Sulik

Research Priority: Sustainable Production Systems Projects

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2022/2023

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: Lodging in wheat, the state of permanent displacement of stems from their vertical position, is a serious barrier to profitable wheat production. When wheat lodges, yield and quality are reduced, leading to growers spending more time harvesting, resulting in reduced efficiencies at harvest. This project will implement on-farm Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) strip trials in cooperator's fields and digitally soil map the fields using topography, electromagnetic conductivity, imagery, and yield as covariates. These on-farm trials will allow for spatial analysis of response to PGR by soil type and soil properties, allowing growers to apply PGR only on profitable soil types, saving on product and water application costs.
